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Old 10-13-22, 03:48 PM   #1675
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Unlike a viral epidemic, the madness carried by ideolgical fanaticism never becomes endemic, but simply worse and worse. The Neue Zürcher Zeitung writes:
The "rainbow portal" of the German government informs prepubescent youths about the possibilities of gender reassignment. This upsets the CDU in particular - but the entry in question was created under Chancellor Merkel.

Not every uproar on social networks spills over into the real world. Most waves of outrage peter out just as quickly as they arise. Things seem to be different in the case of the "rainbow portal" run by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs. A user on Twitter referred to a handout offered there for children on how to prevent the development of sexual organs. With the help of "puberty blockers," the "rainbow portal" said, little ones could gain time to "calmly consider: Which body suits me?". The criticism of the ministry of the Greens politician Lisa Paus does not want to end since then.

The portal, which is financed with tax money, sees itself as a "source of information, database and knowledge network". It was launched in the late phase of the grand coalition of CDU and SPD, in May of 2019, by the Social Democratic minister and current governing mayor of Berlin, Franziska Giffey.

At the time, the primary target group was referred to by the acronym LGBTI*; today, LGBTIQ is the acronym of choice. "Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex people" became "lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, inter* and queer people." What has remained is the concern. The Ministry of Family Affairs wants to provide information about gender diversity.

Is the portal fulfilling its self-imposed mission? The doubts grow. CDU member of the Bundestag Marc Henrichmann sees the welfare of children at risk if a government addresses prepubescent minors in this way and trivializes "drugs that have lifelong effects."

Henrichmann's party colleague, former Agriculture Minister Julia Klöckner, calls it "crazy" for the federal government to recommend puberty blockers to "very young, insecure people." Admittedly, the offending entry with the headline "Young and transgender" can be traced back to August 2020, when the chancellor's name was Angela Merkel and she belonged to the CDU.

After public outrage, the Family Ministry responded. Preceded by a paragraph about "good doctors," it added the note that children should ask a doctor "whether puberty blockers might help." What remained was the thrust of the entry and the immediate salutation, "We have tips for you." Children around the age of ten are basically allowed to put their feelings above their biological characteristics, according to the "rainbow portal": "Do you feel more comfortable as a girl? Or do you feel more comfortable as a boy?"

For those who are "still very young" and can't answer that question conclusively, there are medications available to make sure "you don't hit puberty." And those whose bodies "really don't match the way they feel" can be made more masculine or feminine through hormones. Full-grown people can have surgeries to change their sexual organs.

Puberty blockers, whose use is counted among the ministerial "tips," are not without risk. They cause the blood level of sex hormones to drop. Those who even undergo sex reassignment surgery may later experience this measure as a great liberation as well as a catastrophic failure. Recently, there have been increasing reports of people regretting their transformation. Some psychiatrists see gender dysphoria in children and adolescents primarily as an "expression of failure to meet the challenges of puberty."

Recently, a gender clinic in London had its license revoked after children there were urged to transition. It is also because of such excesses that the deputy chairwoman of the AfD, Mariana Harder-Kühnel, accuses the federal government of seducing children into "manipulating their own bodies in a way that is harmful to their health" and motivating them "downright to rebel against their possibly protesting parents."

The Family Ministry insists in a statement that tips are not recommendations. Puberty blockers could be prescribed exclusively "after careful medical indication based on scientific guidelines by medical specialists." The federal government in no way recommends their use. The article, which has been in the public domain for several years, provides information in "age-appropriate, easy-to-read language on which questions affected children, adolescents and parents should seek advice."

In the "Rainbow Portal" itself, however, on the topic of "young and transgender" the child is addressed directly throughout. The question, for example, "Do I have to be either a boy or a girl?" receives the answer: "No, you don't have to decide. Many people are not only man. And not just woman. You can be both."
This country, this "culture" are hopelessly lost. Completely broken.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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