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Old 10-12-22, 10:55 AM   #21
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Default f-bombs

Roger that.

I don't fault you for skipping the preface (I probably would have too)
but in this case the preface does include some notes about things
that are still in the works. Chief among them the swearing: it was an
experiment as an easy way to make the book grittier and rougher. But it
isn't working. The swearing is first on the chopping block for the next
edit pass. Sorry about that!

Interesting notes about Chips. That character definitely needs work.
Not least her name. "Chips" was kind of a placeholder (based on the
ancient notion that the ship's carpenter is always nicknamed "Chips").

In my opinion (granted, somewhat biased) the second half of the book is
*more* exciting than the first half.
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