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Old 09-26-22, 08:20 AM   #6687
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The fascists in the Kremlin claim that the West is trying to destroy and rip apart Russia itself. But truth is that this objective is something that they acchieve to 100% all by themselves. FOCUS writes:

Putin has called for partial mobilization. But there are many indications that Russia is deploying a mass army. Will that achieve its goals? No, believe military experts. One historian even believes it will spell the end of Russia as we know it.

Russian President Vladimir Putin will send significantly more than just 300,000 men into the Ukraine war. That's the prediction of Torsten Heinrich, a military historian who has studied "partial mobilization" in Russia. "Rather, Russia is deploying a mass army to overrun Ukraine by sheer mass," he writes on Twitter.

Heinrich is puzzled that Putin is not first "sending only what is necessary to stabilize the front" and training the rest well. Instead, he says, there are indications "that Russia simply intends to throw everything it can into uniform to the front. Proper training, even basic training, is being dispensed with."

This coincides with recent reports. The Ukrainian General Staff recently reported that Russia is sending recruits directly to the front without preparation. There are increasing statements from Russia that possibly far more than the 300,000 reservists announced by Defense Minister Shoigu will be drafted. Companies are prophylactically producing an extra 25 million body bags.

But what purpose would a mass mobilization serve? Military expert Brett Friedman analyzes on Twitter that sheer mass has not been winning wars for a long time. "It won't work for the Russians," he writes. "Mass is among the most common war strategies. But putting everyone in uniform provides units, but not capable units."

For a long time, armies have not fought in mass formations, he adds. "It's more about the quality of the troops, the planning, the coordination, the art of warfare," Friedman said. The Russians, once pioneers, have been shown by the Ukrainians what modern warfare means, he said.

Friedman concludes his remarks: "I don't expect 300,000 hastily trained replacements to get the Ukrainians in trouble. It's tragic, but they're walking right into the meat grinder."
"Mobilization is completely disorganized and chaotic"

Defense Minister Shoigu said only reservists with combat experience would be drafted. Experts directly doubted this because there were not enough such men in Russia at all. Now it turns out that there is a cross-section of men being called up, some of them without any previous experience in the army, others old, sick or allegedly exempt students.

Military historian Heinrich analyzes: "Despite months of preparation, the mobilization is practically completely unorganized and chaotic. This indicates a maximum lack of understanding of the situation on the part of the decision-makers." He says it is either a matter of incompetence or a rigid structure in the dictatorship, in which unwelcome news is suppressed because it endangers the progress of the messengers.

Heinrich sees a problem above all for the troops: The morale of the previously deployed troops had already been low. The morale of the units now moving up "will far undercut this. This should lead to massive rates of deserters and surrendering soldiers." Especially as they come with the impression that without mass mobilization, victory can no longer be won against a country like Ukraine.

Heinrich, however, goes a step further and analyzes the impact on Russian society. Many Russian men are currently trying to leave the country. The second brain drain, because already after the invasion of Ukraine some educated Russians went abroad.

Trust in the regime is dwindling. In a country that already has great demographic difficulties, this is a problem. In addition, many young Russians will die, as cannon fodder in Ukraine. Heinrich concludes that the economy will also suffer as potential top performers end up "in coffins or fleeing."

The loss of confidence could also grip minorities in the country who have been loyal to Putin but are now paying the blood toll in this war. "The moment it becomes clear that the majority is purposefully burning the minority for war, without that war being a threat to the minority, secession becomes not only an attractive alternative but a practical necessity," Heinrich writes.

All of this, the moribund economy, collapsing demographics, loss of confidence in the government's legitimacy, plus the broken arms industry and dwindling support among partner countries, all lead to one conclusion, Heinrich says: "This is (at the very least) the end of Russia (as we know it)."
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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