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Old 09-22-22, 05:12 AM   #54
Surface Shepherd
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Although some game mechanics still need to be adjusted, this new Beta version shows an excellent improvement from the previous one.
Game saves and the possibility to make a "custom battle" are a huge difference.
I have created a custom battle with 4 escorts, 20 merchant ships, and 2 subs in a 2 hour scenario that looks credible to me and the results were:

Here are my notes about this new patch.
I just LOVE the intro scene It provides excellent immersion and shows the great detail of the different ship stations. I do not share the opinion that this cutscene generates any difficulties or delays engaging the the sub. The game has not even fully started yet, and I like the intro scene. However, I have seen it already 3 times and mostly it was the same scene. The problem may be that this may become repetitive and boring once you have been playing it for a while, so I would suggest having " a few different versions" of it if possible, and most importantly, the possibility for the player to "skip" it if he chooses so.

Some issues I have seen are that despite selecting "clear" weather, there are always fog patches and visibility is a little bit limited while I was expecting to have just a clear day.
I have seen that the subs behaviour has changed a bit. They try to evade and move away from the convoy after being engaged and taking some damage:rather than continuing as kamikazesI also notice a lot more zig-zag maneuvers and depth changes.
However, they remain overly aggressive and frequently maintain flank speed, whereas the tactic of slowing down and accelerating only when the DD is on the final run proved to be the most effective in real life.
The reason these subs are easy to "hit" is because they remain at shallow depth most of the time. Only once did I have to make a "deep" attack. So subs are relatively easy to hit, but not so easy to skink or be rendered "combat ineffective." I hit one sub several times, generating an oil slick and even a field of debris and floatsam, which was impressive, but the sub remained alive and kept on maneuvering, although this time evading the convoy. The visuals of the depth charges exploding have improved a lot, especially with low light conditions. They are spectacular.

I still don't like the sounds of the depth charge launchers, or the fact that I can hear the launching of charges from ships at 8000 meters away as if they were my own charges from where I am. I do not believe I should hear other ships launching charges unless they are really close to my own position.

One of the most unrealistic and annoying aspects is that AI escort ships constantly update me with GPS precision on the position of the sub I am attacking, such as "ABLE is 400 yards from Blodhound relative 223o."It appears to me that they should be concentrating on their own attack rather than constantly providing me with uninvited enemy positions.This is a game changer since it makes the DD's life much easier. It is impossible for the sub to escape detection once we have 1 Ai ship and 1 human in the area. Not even huge barrages of DC and the noise that they generate prevent the sub being constantly "locked" There is no way to lose it.This also means that when you have 4 warships attacking 2 different subs and each of them is continuously sending reports, the radio chatter is saturated and my sonarman reports get delayed.
I would love to have a way to select a filter to block or give priority to the messages. If I'm in the final run to drop, all I want to hear is from my sonarman, not reports of another attack in another sub far away.

The tactical screen is centered on the own ship, but due to zoom limitations, it is difficult to zoom in and see other escorts, enemy sub positions, and marks if you are not close to the own ship.

AI escorts ignore you and do not care about colliding with you if a human ship and one AI ship are attacking the same sub. You have to be the one that has to prevent collisions since the AI ignores your position and does not maneuver to avoid it even if you are in a position where you should have priority.

One nice to-have feature would be the possibility of selecting the different escorts and even the airplane in the external view to see what they do. I know this is not "realistic" (neither is the own ship's external view), but it does not provide any tactical advantage and may provide nice and attractive visuals (for videos )

I have already mentioned in other posts, I would love to have the option of switching off the ASDIC and using only passive hydrophones (and also be able to order the same to the AI) if you finally manage to move the game from the "shooting sandbox" concept and make it more of a "search and hunt" idea. Searching subs was mostly done by passive hydrophones and that was a very powerful tool for that, while ASDIC was mostly used not for the initial location" but for the attack.

Another item for the future is that the game now operates in 3 different depth levels. Shallow, medium and deep. But what happens is that the sub operates exactly on this criteria, so if I know the sub is, let's say, "medium depth," my DC will explode exactly at that depth, But what is medium depth? In real life, if the sub was at 50 meters depth but I launched my DC set to explode at let's say 80 meters, those chages would surely not kill the sub even if they explode exactly in the sub's position but 30 meters deeper. The DD has a system to "estimate" the sub depth by calculating the distance to the sub the moment the sub moves out of the ASDIC preset cone. In other words, knowing the exact depth of the sub was a difficult but vital element to getting a kill and the actual system simplifies it a bit too much, making it much easier for the DD captain.

These are my comments. a significant improvement over the previous patch!!!!!!
I have really enjoyed today's game a lot I love to see that the developers have given a lot of love to their product and I am confident that once the small issues are tweaked, we will have the "definitive" Destroyer simulation here !!!
Thanks a lot!!!
Peace and freedom are not free.

Last edited by Furia; 09-22-22 at 02:19 PM.
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