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Old 09-16-22, 08:21 PM   #1
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Default SH4 Maximizer reguvinator mod available

I have been testing this for 3 months in spare time.. It re writes the way sh4 works and looks.. new waves parameters and sea colors... The main feature is the (Camera lock to the sub as you come near it) There are 2 versions.. 1 camera lock to sub basic.. and 2 - Camera lock to sub that (saves the last camera view) Each one now works great up to standard speed on the surface and underwater at any speed .. The slower the better the cam stays locked.. The cam that saves the last view is best especially for after you have the boat at periscope depth.. You can switch from periscope view to the (Saved) free cam view underwater and watch your fish leave your boat as you fire them.. (You cannot see that with default free cam) as it takes to long to load free cam and dive under to see the torpedo action...Also it is great for all overall views.. making SH4 (movie like) and more enjoyable.. Give it a test! .. When these mod cams are activated there is a bit of a stutter as you move around the boat.. Best lock positions are from the stern or from the bow looking back at the sub.. also try the various water and waves.. Waves swells are now avialable with this mod.. and various wave speeds.. also attack periscope has (Super zoom) like no mod before.. and Observation scope has super wide angle view like never before.. and all stations have super wide view making the interior look way bigger.. The cfg (Right click mouse) takes you station to station including (Move cam through the sub with arrow keys) and other modifications such as conning deck is camera expanded to pan view around.. Plus many more
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