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Old 09-03-22, 06:53 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by gamer3106 View Post
I don't know why but 75% of the time I start to load a Campagin save file it either actually loads or crashes...
I have run this game on a variety of hardware using Wine on Linux. At the moment Wine is pretending to be Windows XP 64, but I think I have previously had the game running with "XP 32" and "Windows 10". The very annoying crash on load has always been there but only about 1 in 50 saves for me. i think that is typical. I save away from land and on the surface; I don't know if that helps.

The thing that made crashes very regular was not having the 4Gb patch (or in my case the HSie patch). The vanilla game runs happily without the patch, but as soon as you start adding mods the 4Gb becomes essential. Worse, if you run mods and don't have the 4Gb patch the crashes often only start when your campaign has been going for a while. There must be some garbage building up somewhere. i strongly suggest you carefully go through the installation instructions and check you have your version of the 4Gb patch correctly installed. As it is a patch to sh3.exe it's a tad tricky. Some of the more recent supermods include a patched sh3.exe, which is much easier.

if you got the game from Steam there's a whole lot of extra incantations to apply, I suggest you go over to the Steam SH3 community page, which has a FAQ.
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