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Old 08-29-22, 07:20 PM   #1
Machinist's Mate
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Default Norwegian Sea Escort (3 Stars)

Location: Norwegian Sea, May 1989, 0900 hours

Environment: Sunrise 0330, sunset 1945, moonrise 1150, moonset 0112, half moon. Moderate seas (Sea State 4). Wind at 22 knots. There is no cloud cover. Visibility is 80%. An unseasonably large low pressure front is forming to the south. Maximum depth is Very Deep. There is a moderate layer between Intermediate and Deep depth bands.

Operational Situation: It has been 48 hours since hostilities began between NATO and the Warsaw Pact forces. Executing the US Navy's Maritime Strategy, the Second Fleet has sent a three-carrier task force into the Norwegian Sea to put pressure on the Northern Flank and threaten the Soviet bastion. Although several Russian attack subs, both nuclear and conventional, have been sunk, a Project 877 Kilo managed to put a torpedo into USS Barney (DDG6). Barely afloat, Barney is being escorted south by a single guided-missile frigate, USS Doyle (FFG-39). Doyle was chosen because she has a non-combat Engineering casualty, and can no longer keep up with the task force. She has no trouble keeping up with the crippled Barney, however.

Tactical Situation: Both ships are heading south at Barney's best speed, 8 knots, with Doyle to seaward, while Barney hugs the coastline as close as they dare...

Escort USS Barney safely across the goal line.

Mission Duration: 3-6 hrs

RA 1.51

1 Star Edition (Easy Difficulty)
2 Star Edition (Average Difficulty)
3 Star Edition (Hard Difficulty)

How to Install: Copy/Paste to a blank .mu file

This mission is based on the free scenario "Guardian" for the Harpoon V: Jumpstart table top war game.

All I've done here is use the setup given by the table top game. I made a number of changes, including additional threats and environment dynamics to make gameplay more interesting. Thus the mission won't play out in the same way as the table top game.

OK let me know what you think!

Handy reference table for programming your helo's mission profile:

Also available in
Orange, Green, Blue and Greyscale

Also remember:
  • The helo accepts programming within 3 minutes of the "Helo away!" callout.
  • To specify a new program at any time after that make a helo-waypoint, then drag it more than 240 miles away from the helo. Wait for a second and then delete it. Now give it the new program.

Last edited by rentacow; 07-24-24 at 11:54 AM. Reason: improved enemy behavior. slightly increased the difficulty for both versions. made the mission more dynamic
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