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Old 08-27-22, 05:53 AM   #11
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The crisis burns itself deep into the German middle class. It is expected that next year energy costs will equal if not surpass cold flat rents for many ordinary households. Millions will not be able to cope with the financial burdens.

The Greens' recipe: print more money and drop it from helicopters. They even say the troubles will worsten nd will stay for many years to come, but adaptation of their policies and giving up stupid ideology-hardened mind-fortresses? Nononononono. No, never. Noooo. No. No-no-no. NO. In a few weeks or months maybe they will agree to let those three powerpploants run - and then find that they have wasted 8 months and so will not get nuclear fuel in time. If they would have agreed in april, in Oc tober nuclear fuelp could have been dleivered, says the industry. Of course, they will say that companies are evil, fate was against them, they could not have known, it is democratic debate, it is so hard for them, and that they are not guilty for this part of the mess.

Well, I said since many years that it is the Green agenda to deindustrialise Germany and to destroy everything heavy industry in this country, and better evertyhing science and market as well, since one is at it. Ideology yes, science no. And I never meant my rants as an exaggeration, but as a fact. Many Green followers welcome the crisis today for it does what they always wanted to acchieve: it brings down the industry they hate so much. "Und nach uns die Sintflut..."

But this is only because they have never imagined the consequences for themsleves once the crisis has corroded so deep into society that they themsleves are affected, too.

I hope that this winter it really crunches and cracks in the woodwork and that half the roof comes down and falls on more than just a few heads. The more violent, the better, because that might finally teach people some sense. Gender star? Gender quotas? With it still so many waste their time and energy...? Dear friends, it's high time that fate kicks you in the ass so firmly and with a running start.

What has begun these days, this year, that will not be over in only three, four years. I expect at least a decade of severe crisis. At least. In Germany in particular, because here the ideological meanness comes to bear three times as hard as elsewhere.

Burn, crisis, burn. The less people can escape it, the better. Misery teaches the best lessons.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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