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Old 08-23-22, 11:02 AM   #5
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I also noticed this task force and failed to intercept it, although I wasn't trying very hard.
I looked at the GWX campaign in the SH3 editor and couldn't find any scripted task forces in the relevant time/place. There are lots of random convoys, small groups of ships and single merchants going along that sort of route around that time, usually at 8 knots.
Could be that someone in GWX team defined a random group and a route but failed to put any ships in it. Easily done and hard to debug with the available tools. Or could be a problem in the basic game. Put it down to Winston Churchill spreading misinformation - the task group that never was..

While using the SH3 editor go see how many mines those nasty GWX people scattered off the East Coast and ask yourself if you really should be going there.
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