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Old 07-22-22, 01:11 PM   #1
Sailor man
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Default Can convoy frequency be adjusted?

Greetings to my fellow kaleuns...was wondering if anybody knows anything about adjusting the frequency with which convoys spawn? I ask because I tend to find that it's all too easy to run into, say, 3-4 convoys every time out, and knobble (for example) two large merchants from at least two of those convoys - especially if you're playing with a type IX and all those lovely extra torpedoes. The result is that I can regularly rack up 150,000+ tons in as little as 4-5 patrols, whereas the top U-boat captains typically needed twice that number.

TL;DR - I'm looking to halve the frequency with which convoys spawn, because (strange as it might sound) I'd like reaching the higher tonnage totals to be harder - or at least take longer - than it currently does at present. Any of you kind folk out there have any knowledge you'd be willing to share? TIA :-)
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