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Old 07-18-22, 03:17 PM   #89
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Originally Posted by mapuc View Post
After I had posted my comment I made a search where I used the same word
"curved monitor or VR)

and I found this

"VR is cool but you can't do it for long time unless you want to mess up your brain. Triple screen is the right compromise. Curved is the choice ..."

"100%. VR doesn't give you peripheral vision, and that is a huge disadvantage in wheel to wheel racing. VR is very cool, but triples for me all day"

Is this correct ? I haven't used a VR

Lot of relgiopn in these things. Many praqise their fetishes. So do I. VR for me every time. Brain gets trained. Peripheral vision can be handled. But immersion and stereoscopic 3D eye vision no screen setup whatever can give you, can top.

I want the maximising of the illusion to be there to be in it, to sit in that cockpit. VR leaves screens in the dust, in these regards, even more so since we are beyond the low resolutions of the first generation headsets. And already that was a screen killer!

Just be wise what you play in VR...

I tried a mod in that that added certain attractions from fairs. I used VR for one certain hellish machine, kind of a rotating device in all three dimensions/axis while being swung around. And back then my brain was not yet full adapted to this new thing, VR.

I was ill, almost vomitted and felt like we all felt the very first time when we really got very very drunk from just trying out how it feels to be so drunk that you want to vomit for the rest of your life and you are sure your life is over. Thats how I felt afterwards, plus extreme dizziness. It stayed so for 6-8 hours. It would have been absolutely impossible for me to drive, to walk in a straight line (I fell over even from crawling), or to just be in town. I crawled on the carpet on all four, and when I laid still I felt like a ball getting rolled all over the field. It was a horrible experience. To top it: these effects set in not before several minutes after I put the mask down.

Extreme, yes, and unlikley to happen to everybody, but I was not fully adapted to it yet back then. Today I am, I can drive or fly for hours and feel nothing annoying anymore, only sweat if I forgot to switch on the ventilator. So, the brain adapts over time. I tried that hell machine again late last year. It was still not pleasant, but the extreme experiences did not repeat.

The coaster rides however are great to try in high res VR! Great stuff to scare the hell out of your girlfriend or watch her flic-flacking through the room and not being able to help it. Or to get rid of her fast and efficient, forever. LOL
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 07-18-22 at 03:52 PM.
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