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Old 07-17-22, 08:59 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by mapuc View Post
After I had posted my comment I made a search where I used the same word
"curved monitor or VR)

and I found this

"VR is cool but you can't do it for long time unless you want to mess up your brain. Triple screen is the right compromise. Curved is the choice ..."

"100%. VR doesn't give you peripheral vision, and that is a huge disadvantage in wheel to wheel racing. VR is very cool, but triples for me all day"

Is this correct ? I haven't used a VR

I find VR to be superb for anything with a cockpit (race cars, airplanes, etc.) or in circumstances where you'd like to have the full impact of your surroundings, i.e., scenery and environment.

I play a lot of NASA sims, space sims, and Mars mission speculative sims, and prefer VR for these if available. I also like VR when I'm racing, or flying fixed wing aircraft. It works great for ETS2 and ATS as well, and really gives you a sense of being there, in the truck.

There is one thing for which I consider VR mandatory. That is flying helicopter simulations. I have full helicopter controls, cyclic, collective, anti-torque pedals, and because of the need for some semblance of depth perception when flying a helicopter, VR (and helicopter controls) are essential. I can set a chopper down light as a feather, with precise alignment every time on the deck of a small ship in my favorite helicopter sims. Trying to do it with a normal desktop (short) joystick and a monitor is haphazard and usually frustrating.

For other titles, I use a big, curved monitor. It lacks the totally immersive sensation of VR, and for titles that benefit from it, I much prefer VR. There is no greater immersive involvement for a game. You feel like you're there.

But for strategy games and things of that sort, the curved monitor works fine. As for VR being hard to take for long periods, I don't find that to be so. Neither have I ever felt sick from it.

Oh, and one more thing. I also consider VR essential when I ride rollercoasters in my rollercoaster sim. Most people whom I have lured into trying it claim that they can't take it. I've got some vicious rollercoasters. But I love it. It really gives you that, "Whoops! I think I left my stomach back there!" feeling.
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