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Old 07-08-22, 11:36 PM   #23
Join Date: Oct 2011
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The era of the big, corporate development studios is over. EA, Ubisoft, Codemasters, et al will all go down the drain. Everything that they have produced in the past ten years is just a rehash of the same old fare.

Independent developers and studios are the ones producing fresh, new, innovative titles. Nearly all my games now come from small studios, some even one-man operations. I have yet to have any of them pull the rug out from under me, and it's been years for many titles.

It also helps to research the title that you're considering and make sure that it's not a take the money and run effort. Shovelware, I believe they call it.

Ubisoft employees could always get jobs teaching once the company goes belly up. "Welcome to Business 201. The first thing that we're going to cover is how to make your company name toxic to the consumers to whom you're trying to sell your products." Pure genius.

I've hated Ubisoft since they mandated their data mining software in order to play their games.

And you know who killed VR? Metaquest. That's the intrusive moles behind Facebook. You can't use an Oculus without allowing them to install their data mining software.

Eventually maybe these big companies will wake up to the fact that people don't want their intrusive crap. But I'll happily watch the ones that don't learn go belly up. It makes me laugh. Having watched their antics and encountered their arrogant attitudes toward their customers in forums, and all their other stupidity, I'm happy to hear that they're not doing well.

If I ran a company and some pinhead with a newly minted degree came up with the bright idea of mandating our own intrusive interface in order to play our games, I'd fire the idiot the moment that I heard about it. But I doubt if there's anyone that smart in upper management at Ubisoft.

Que sera sera. The moment that it becomes a pain in the butt to play a game, I hit the Uninstall button. Plenty more where that came from. And there always will be.

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