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Old 07-05-22, 03:40 PM   #3637
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Originally Posted by Catfish View Post
Really. Are you telling me you still believe in the party line the vaccine will prevent you from getting infected? Vaccinated or not you can still get infected and still pass on the virus, ANY virus, to another human being. We have also found that healthy humans especially the young faired well against the COVID virus and acquired a natural immunity. But lock them up, fire them, deny them health care too until they get vaccinated was a based solely on a headline, a political narrative.

And this has nothing to do with any "party" line, but with reason.
If vaccinated you will infect less others or even none, which is what i am talking about. The less carriers there are, the less infections will take place, meaning the virus is not able to increase its numbers, lowering the overall viral pressure on the population.

A lot of diseases and viruses have been dealt with in a way that they mean no harm to humans anymore, often by mass vaccinations.
Viruses do not "die out" entirely, but with only few hosts to multiply (=low viral pressure) the risk of infection is almost nil.
You’ e been lead astray if you still think that. I said before I’ll say it again. This kind doesn’t ever die out they mutate too fast to keep up with. And COVID is no different it has mutated into a nothing burger just as those medical professionals who were called deniers said it would.

On other hand Polio and other like viruses which are pretty stable can be reduced by vaccine.

If you still catch the virus after a vaccination, symptoms will be less grave or even non-existent, with the usual few exceptions. Side effects (that have never been swept under the carpet) usually indicate that the vaccine works.
. SEE ABOVE. Your decision to vaccinate or not too vaccinate especially against flu affect you and you alone.

When I got my first COVOD vaccine I had a severe reaction. The mandate Nazis told me it’s because I must have been infected before. Still I refused the second shot because it affected the entire left side of my body and heart health. Come to find out later it was most likely administered incorrectly and injected into my blood stream. Damn good thing I didn’t listen to the mandate Nazis.

No vaccine ever had or has has a 100 percent probability or guarantee of helping everyone of course. If your immunosystem has already problems from other causes, like Guillain-Barrée or MS or else it will be wise to ask a doctor first.

OT re bubonic plague
Regarding fleas and rats and humans they are probably related close enough
"In the U.S., there is currently no bubonic plague vaccine.
In other locations, a vaccine is available [only] to people who have a high exposure to the plague because of their jobs."

Probably not worth the production when there is no plague and it can be cured with antibiotics alone. If diagnosed early enough.
Do you oppose taking antibiotics, too, and why?
BUBONIC PLAGUE once understood was reigned in not by a vaccine but by preventative measures such as pest control and knowledge. It still happens but so rare people die mostly because it is mis-diagnosed or not thought of as a cause.

What bothers me is with all the information available from real honest goodness scientists, virologist and medical professionals. The only thing the usual suspects could think to do was to start rounding people up in camps, and punish them by denying them health care, and their livelihood if they don’t follow the fear. That’s not reason.
Guardian of the honey and nuts

Let's assume I'm right, it'll save time.

Last edited by Rockstar; 07-05-22 at 11:51 PM.
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