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Old 06-30-22, 04:51 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by MGR1 View Post
If the referendum is denied, either by the UK Gov and/or the Supreme Court saying Holyrood can't do so within it's remit, then come the next UK General Election the SNP will fight that election on the single issue of independence, thus turning it into a referendum.

All very convoluted, but all we can do is wait-and-see. As for the EU angle, I'm not so sure. Some of the Nat diehards may want to see some pressure exerted, but the best thing would be for the EU to adopt strict neutrality.Mike.
If you Scots become a net payer the EU will welcome you with open arms, you might have to lose a few home comforts to become one of them though, free universities and prescriptions could go, taxes might increase and VAT rises might go up, all well and good for the better off but what about the less well off, or are there no poor people up in Scotland.

The EU adopting a strict neutrality stance, just like they did in the Brexit vote, you Scots won't know what's bloody hit you when the EU starts interfering in your 2nd referendum attempt. Your country is going to be the punchbag between the EU and Westminster and that little fish called Sturgeon will be punch drunk in no time, I hope she's ready for that.
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