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Old 06-29-22, 11:35 AM   #3
Grey Wolf
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Moonlight's last post in the old thread:
"No one said that you could bring some sanity and sound reasoning into this thread MGR1, I'm just exercising my right as a thick Brit to "extract the urine" out of that other thick Brit you've got up in Scotland.
Sadly there's no humour in Scottish politics. The ribald, satirical traditions of the English press vis-a-vis politics never developed up here, even after 300 years of political union. I get the impression that the Scottish papers are somewhat equivocal in their scrutiny of the SNP's domestic record just in case independence does come about. In short, they're covering their backsides.

"I am the battleship Jean Bart. This name originates from a certain 'respected' privateer... Yes? You want to know what privateers are? Hmph, they are pirates that rob openly under the banner of their country."

Jean Bart from the mobile game Azur Lane.
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