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Old 06-29-22, 01:09 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by Ostfriese View Post
Argumentations among Americans (not just politicians) these days seem to be a simple "we against them", with arguments reduced to "it's their fault" and the population at each others' throats, while the richest 1% fleece the rest of the nation relentlessly and a minority of christian fundamentalists dominates the reshaping of society which already produces far more losers than it can handle.

Quite obviously this occasionally creates preople who go on rampage, but it's seemingly never treated seriously for more than a few days of the usual round of arguments ("their fault" "no, their fault" "guns" "no guns" "thoughts and prayers" "we can't do anything") before fading out in the similarily usual "nothing" that is actually done. In the end everyone waits for the next shooting, hoping it won't be his/her kids' and relatives' names being listed on the NY Times front page for the entire world to see.

Yes here in America we have a Population, a melting pot. We have no cohesive identity as a country.The people who populate this country are only here for one thing.How can i be smarter and get over on the idiots that are dumber than me. In our society it's about money and the more you make the better you can live.And that's what America is about. And if our Politicians decide your country has something we need.Your Politician's can join Nato and get Nuclear security and Financial aid.They can tell their country's citizen look what we have done for you.We have given you peace. Meanwhile they are taking all the financial aid for themselves. Nothing changes for you.

Next thing you know your country is supporting the Americans in another war. Now you have to shoot your dog and rob your neighbors.Because your Politicians spent the financial aid living the lifestyle of the Americans. And you find out your country is broke.And your Politicians has sold all your food stuffs to support the Americans in another war in a country you never heard of and will never set foot in. Where did your leaders go? Well hell they took and saved that finical aid and went to California America. LoL. Oh i must tell you tell you that's why we all have guns here.It's a Dog eat Dog society.
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