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Old 06-17-22, 04:32 PM   #115
I break things
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Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post
Not to sound mean about anything, nor to discourage any modding, but referring to your link above and goldmastersims proposition therein, let it be known now that you may not call anything that you do "FotRSU". FotRSU is an active mod, with an active team, and the mod is still in active development. You may mod all you want to on the FotRSU mod for your own enjoyment and use, and so long as any "distribution" is done via PM, that is fine. That is your private business. Either do that, or submit any mods you build / combine to the FotRSU team for consideration as "official" add-in mods. Note also that several of the mods that are mentioned as potential parts for the endeavor are already in the AddInModzPak, which is an officially sanctioned package. Proper permissions for the several parts mentioned would be required of those mods' authors. Also, generally speaking, it is rather rude to say that any mod has "shortcomings", whether it'd be "FotRSU" or "Bob's Your Uncle". You insinuate incompetence on the part of the mod team. Whether you change devices or settings or whatever, that is a "perspective" - what you like versus what someone else likes. Again though, like I said, not to sound mean, but it is what it is.
I also concure with the above statement, the statement about FotRSU "shortcomings" is in poor taste indeed. This mod in still in production, and will evolve over time, just because you do not like something, there is no need to label it as thus, one person's bad opinion, is another persons good opinion...

I did receive an invite to this group, but due to the labels being thrown about, to other mods, by people who by their their own words "borrow" other mods, i will be declining this invite with immediate effect.
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