Clearer Water Visibility Options
TheBerbster's thread correctly explains that you can use the JSGME to install:
DynEnv v2.9 - 3.b Enhanced Visibility (medium)
DynEnv v2.9 - 3.b Enhanced Visibility (high)
Along with (Optionally)
DynEnv v2.9 - 7. Clear Water Surface.
However, there is a known problem with "DynEnv v2.9 - 3.b Enhanced Visibility (high)". The underwater particles will bug out and produce white squares making underwater a zero vis, glitched out, hell space. To fix this you need the patch "DynEnv v2.9 - No Underwater Impurity Patch". According to Gap, it should be loaded right after whichever Enhanced Visibility option you choose. It is not required for "medium" but it is required for "high". To summarize. At the end of your TWOS mod list you should add these mods (in this order) for clearer water:
1. DynEnv v2.9 - 3.b Enhanced Visibility (medium) (Impurity patch optional)
OR (Not both)
1. DynEnv v2.9 - 3.b Enhanced Visibility (high) (Impurity patch mandatory)
2. DynEnv v2.9 - No Underwater Impurity Patch (If required or desired)
3. DynEnv v2.9 - 7. Clear Water Surface (Entirely Optional)
Dynamic Environment is already a part of TWOS. "TWOS Env Settings - Brighter Nights" shares no files in common with these sub mods so the load order there does not seem to be an issue if you want that sub mod included with TWOS installed as well. (correct me if I'm wrong). Here is a link to the Dynamic Environment download where you can find the Impurity Patch link near the bottom, in Orange text at the time of this post. Make any other changes at your own risk.
Dynamic Environment SH5 v 2.9