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Old 05-25-22, 07:13 AM   #11
Commander Wallace
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Originally Posted by em2nought View Post
I really don't understand why these folks don't go after politicians instead of children. I mean if you want to blame someone for your problems other than yourself I'd think the obvious answer would be...

I don't understand why anyone would want to go after anyone with weapons, including politicians. In the twisted minds of these moron's, children and the older people are “ soft “ targets with no real means to defend themselves. I keep asking myself why anyone would want to do something like this. How does harming innocent children fix anything ?
Find a hobby, go to the gym and beat up a punching bag, etc....

Originally Posted by August View Post
From what I understand there was an all points bulletin out for the killer for the murder of his grandmother earlier in the day.

I'd like to know why elementary school outside doors are not kept locked while kids are still there.
We discussed this in the Subsim forum's years ago August after a school shooting. Implementation of security systems as you suggested would be relatively easy to put into place. I'm guessing It was determined at some level that installing security wasn't “ cost effective.” Security systems should be implemented for all kids right from day care / kindergarten through to high school and also the colleges. I guess in their view, it's easier for the community to grieve over the loss of these innocent kids senselessly taken away and attend their funerals.

Originally Posted by Buddahaid View Post
Discusting and on top of finding out today a friend in New Orleans is fighting for his life.

As Reece already said, thoughts and prayers for your friend to pull through and recover.
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