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Old 05-20-22, 03:59 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by mapuc View Post
So I was watching a video about graphene batteries when I saw these videos about WIN 11 and I recalled that we had a thread in our GT.


Thats sounds terrifying what he says and tells me that W11 is much, much worse than I feared it would be.

I dispise and hate Microsoft with a passion, and I know why that is so and why I hope their whole damn company goes up in flames and takes the whole Windows-verse with it. To hell with them.

I certainly do nto plan to give up to run a second system with Linux, always, on which i do the critical, the sensitive, the money-related kind of things.

I pray for a big supe rmega hack with glooibval reach tkaign out am jaort share soif Microsoft comotuer networks everywhere, so that the stupid naked monkeys that we are cannot avoid to wake up and learn the bitter lesson how stupidly dependent we allowed to become on a company that in principle digitally enslaves us, wants to control us, surveil us, remote-control us, own us, sell us, its all about them controlling us and having power over us and knowing all our private things and secrets about us.

That mug in the video is nice. "There is no computer cloud, there only is another computer".

All these tech giants companies must be destroyed, I think since a few years now. They all work on owning mankind for their own company interests, and thats what makes them our enemies, and our liberties' enemies.

Its scaring how many dystopic scenarios have been desribed in various science fiction novels that desbribed right these things.

Dystopic? Science Fiction?


Even those who claim to fight against this, more or less to little or no effect (law-makers, the EU, etc), abuse the opportunity to gain the same tyrannic benefits for themselves that they claim to fight against when wantign to take them away form tech giants.

Things shift towards a digitally founded and controlled dicatorship. Not just in China. But in the West as well. Its terrifying.

You more and more cannto even boycott it anymore by refusing to have an drun a comnp0uter or smartphone at least, becasue more and more fucntions and amdatory htigns the state calls up for which havign a cpomouter is mandatory. So you get indirectly forced to own the device by whcinb they own you. And mostly such software governments release for such purposes do not even run under other operating systems than Windows, or Android. Linux? Often that is no option. Microsoft now tries to hammer more nails into Linux'S coffin, it seems.

You are not allowed to evade, avoid, flee. You are being owned already.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 05-20-22 at 04:16 PM.
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