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Old 05-13-22, 09:34 AM   #833
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Originally Posted by kongovsfuso142 View Post
Thank you for the reply denis.

Hope one day the ships can be done.

May be, but for SH 3 need new 64bit engine for support all ships. Now not this engine. Partially done, but not compatible with each other. It needs to be done, but this requires a new silent engine that could ensure their work. 1 unfinished from the 1st list - I don’t know what the problem is - the ship does not sail forward, but stands still. There are similar problems with some of the other ships. How is compatibility done? There is my mod. It now has 565 boats. They all work together. And then 1 more ships are placed and it looks what can get out there: maybe immediately crash to the desktop due to the fact that the ship model is not compatible with some other ship, so you need to drive the new ship into 3DMax and look at its identifiers, and then find the one that matches the one already on one of the ships. That's why they all need to be checked. The ship can be loaded in the museum, which means that it is compatible with other ships, but it may not load artillery, because the ship has artillery from another file, which I may not have, because the ship's artillery needs to be rewritten so that it I had. And along the way, look for the right file with the right guns somewhere on the Internet from someone who has it. And if you don’t find it, then you rewrite all the artillery. Some boats are now made with textures in DDS format, and it must first be converted to TGA format. Since with DDS textures in 3 silent are not loaded. But TGA textures are also different. And there are TGA textures that should work but don't. Why haven't you figured it out yet. There are ships that are not completed in different ways. there are those who are without a move. There are those that are crooked. But all this can be learned only by working out the compatibility of different ships (and aircraft) in a single mode. Some boats are now made with textures in DDS format, and it must first be converted to TGA format.
But the number of ships written by me for silent is only I have 1 in the world. And in order to make them compatible, Ubisoft needs to release a new engine for the Seilent, so that my computer can pull that engine and ... a lot of people who want to help me with their compatibility. The draft version of the mod for 565 ships has a weight of 9.75 GB. It can, in theory, work with an engine allowing 8GB of RAM and 3GB of VRAM. The 1st addition to it has a weight of 16.9 GB. Total just over 27GB. The 2nd addition has a weight of 404 MB. Total in the finished form of material on 28 GB on disk. To work, they will need 25 GB of RAM and 14 GB of video memory. And only with such engine parameters all ships and planes for Silent 3 can be fully integrated.
As you can see, the size of the problem with the integration of all ships rests only on the lack of a suitable engine for 3 Silent, too many ships, planes and other things to establish compatibility between units and the need for dozens of modders to help me with this work. Of course, Ubisoft can develop such an engine and make compatibility by itself - this is a large company and I am not alone. But ... I have too many boats on the terms when I have them, but they cannot be distributed.
Yes, Ubisoft can make, for example, Silent Hunter 6, based on my mod. And take all the developers of ships, aircraft and other things as co-authors and share with them the proceeds from the sale, but many of those who made the ships have already died. And who their heirs is unknown. So the problems with boats, planes and other mods for 3 silent are like this. And yes - I wrote the text in Russian, and the computer translated it, so I apologize for this, but my English is not too good for such texts.
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