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Old 05-11-22, 03:38 PM   #29
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I think China will fiorts need to break the "chain of islands" that contian it, with Taiwan being the lock keeping the chain locked, before they can seriously consider to operate a gobal fleet. All thos eislands currently are held by the US or allies by the US. Thats why I think the regional war will come before the stage of a globally seafaring Chinese fleet. And so I give concerns about that regional conflict priority for the time being. Not before that question has been asnwerd oine way or the other, the quesiton of a golobally navigating Chinese war navy nmeeds to be answered. Right now, gopobally the US wpuld run the Chiens efleet into the bottom of the sea. Globally. Regionally, at Chinese homeland - that is somehtign diferent, and China more and more clearly decides which colours will be played this round. The last summit between that Chiense and American delegation the video mentions, was a disgrace for the US, an open and unhidden gauntlet thrown at Blinken's face. I recall when I saw the news reporting it, and I thought "Damn."

The Chinese do not just want to play.

I give the US the advantage in training, combat experience, and leadership. But i think the chinese have learned from the third Vietnam war. They had high losses, yes, still delivered Vietnam a punishment, showing it its place. That shows that they can see a war through even if it runs not well for them. Its long time ago now, and they have moved on from there, no doubt. And I cannot see that their military is as corrupt as the Russian military obviously is. So the money they spend on it most likely has been much better used than it was used in Russia. Also, they spend more. Much more. Their military buildup over the past 20, 30 years, was breathtaking.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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