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Old 05-11-22, 01:59 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Jeff-Groves View Post
That is a pretty pathetic list.
I will upload screen shots seems the forum doesn't like spread sheets.

The Ukrainian Neptune-class anti-ship missiles are essentially Russian copies of the Harpoon missile. They are subsonic missiles with about a 145 kilogram warhead. To be fair, the Moskva did not have it's air defense radars in operation. This is incompetence and ineptitude on a whole new level. It's a matter of conjecture if the Moskva could have stopped the missile attack if it had been alerted in time. This is based on photos taken after the attack that show it's radar emitters were stowed.

The point is Subsonic missiles under the right circumstances are still effective. The Russian Frigate Makarov has also been hit with Ukrainian missiles and certainly, it was aware of the dangers that the Ukraine posed and yet, was unable to stop the attack. The photos and video are courtesy of Turkey.

Certainly, the U.S will apply hyper-sonic technology to it's next generation Tomahawk ASM inventory. Tomahawks employ a much larger warhead yield over Harpoon missiles.
Not nessaserily incompetence, EMCON would mean your passively listening so your air and surface search active radars would be switched off its a very common practice even in the RN and USN, its so you don't betray your position.

The down side to that is if you miss something like a incoming missile you have no time to react not to mention no time really to counter either.

If you take Sheffield's incident as an example her radars were off before the attack to make a communications call to London, she basically didn't see the missile coming and even if she had and been able to power up the radars it would have been all over anyway she simply wouldn't have been able to counter it.

Yes subsonic missiles still have a role but if your up against a switched on crew, with a decent AAW platform it simply wont get through, China today has a decent AAW platform(s) the crew is another matter.

There was a trial on HMS Diamond fairly recently (2018) the crew were practicing against drones, now yes they were switched on but the drones were fired over 100nm away, Diamonds crew could see the target all the way in then just fired at it.
The control room was quite active but looking at the AWO checking his watch wondering how long be before its in range of the Aster missiles is quite something.

Point is this would have been a completely different scenario had it been hypersonic.

They have a role yes but against a decent platform with a decent crew its unlikely they would get through.
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