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Old 05-10-22, 08:02 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Maxim View Post
Our first game was bad. We didn't know how, but we decided to make a game. We made a game. This was our first achievement.

With each next game, we did the same thing, but better. We never aspired to money, but we realized that nothing can be done without money at all.

You bought a 10 in 1 bundle from the SFI publishing house. Unfortunately, we do not support these games and therefore cannot change anything in them. If there are problems with these games, then we give the keys to our new games for free.

And yes, my wife says it's time for me to open a library of naval history books. Hell, I started to understand a little Spanish or German to read some books.

It was an amazing experience. I spoke with historians from the USA, Spain and Germany. I remember my excitement when I picked up a large package with drawings of Spanish cruisers from the Spanish Navy Museum in the mail.

My interest in the entire series has deepened since buying the, "Clad in Iron" bundle. The fact that you were able to produce a playable game the very first time, not being career game developers at the start, is amazing. My own programming forays went about as far as creating a window with radio buttons and drop downs menus, inside which a red ball ricocheted around, LOL!

I'm glad that I have the first game, as it gives a player the some insight on how well and quickly the titles advanced.

I went through the 10-in-1 yesterday and tried out most of the titles. I didn't have a single problem with any of them. They provide a nice array of difficulty and involvement, ranging from relaxing with minimal involvement, for when I just want to watch a naval battle, to in-depth player involvement.

All of the titles look good and run fine under Windows 10 64-bit, at modern resolutions. They have aged well. I haven't had any problems. As long as they remember to run config.exe in the game folder to set options, I don't think that many people would have any trouble running them, and every title that I tried is very worthwhile.

I have the same comments from my wife. She also says that I have a military history library. And since I started playing the Ironclads series, my interests have broadened. I added a few books about the Spanish-American War to my reading list yesterday evening, and will eventually be searching out background books on the other conflicts covered by the games.

Thanks for a great series of historic naval games, Maxim! I get hour upon hour of enjoyment from these titles.
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