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Old 05-09-22, 04:03 PM   #2
Join Date: Oct 2011
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Having done some testing today, every one of these games runs fine in Windows 10 64-bit for me at 2560 x 1440 resolution with 144Hz refresh rate. And they all look good. The game-play is even better.

Whichever game you're going to run, be sure to run, "config.exe" in the game's folder first, to set your resolution, etc. They all have it.

Your degree of control and involvement will vary, with the newer titles going more in-depth in player ability to manage things, but they're all a lot of fun.

So no worries on modern systems at modern resolutions.

The only title in the bunch that isn't in danger of becoming my favorite is the very first Ironclads. And that can be forgiven, it was the first time out of the chute. And "Ironclads: American Civil War" is kind of superseded by the same coverage in later games.

Every other title in the series ranges from very good to great. And I'm glad that I have the original. History and all that.
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