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Old 04-19-22, 05:30 PM   #1541
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Gas is needed not only for electricity production, but also to heat industrial ovens (glass, aluminium, steel), so a rat tail of industrial problems would arise if gas from now to then would not be there anymore. Also, gas is needed not only as an energy-carrier, but a ressource that is being turned into chemicals - fertilizers for example. No gas, no mass agricultre.

Now look at the prices in the agricultural sector...

If there is one stumble in these production chains, these easily start cascade effects later down in the production and supply lines. Industries go offline or redcues their prouction, workers work at reduced times and earn less, with costs gpwing up. The German state pays compensations, but at the cost of additonal debts an dinflating the money volume even more. A vicous circle starts. You see German aluminium, steel and fertilzer production already have shrunk, and this causes price shifts, and social rifts when workers do not get full payment. This in an environment with inflation, recession, and likely stagflation. Also, many of these production ovens in the industry cannot be just switched on and off - if they cool out, they are destroyed.

So, it is not as simple as it seems. Its not only about warm living rooms in private homes. If these were the only issues, hell, we would be lucky!

I mention all this to illustrate that I am aware of these complications and implicit factors. It must also be said that the state budget in Russia is practically unlinked to the maintenance of costs of the military. The state is a tyranny that can opt for anything anytime - and does - to run and supply the military and war no matter how the state finances are. The phrase "buying their gas directly finances their war " again is too simplified, but its a catchy slogan.

Still, I think nobody forced the germans to go the easy way in the past. Their stupid designs of green energy policies do not work out well, they are hopelessly naive, childish, and the invitation by Russia to maintain, cover, fill the deficits left by these polciies "from the side" with cheap Russian gas, was thankfully accepted, so that the Green illusions had not to be revealed to the public earlier. What we now have in constellation of factors is the most royal mess you can imagine. It is selfmade, it is unneeded, and could have been prevented - and nobody wanted to take safety measurements while there was time, nobody wanted to prevent it. So I say: let the Germans suffer. Pain is a good teacher at times.

I also say: dear stupid Germans, you were the stupidiest brainf###### in the past 20 years, and wanted what you got ourselves into, and so lets take what is coming at you and stop complaining because YOU DESERVE IT.

The blame for having seen morei n Putin then he was I have to accept for myself, too, not to the degree to wihich most others fell for him, but I made huge mistakes in assessing his drives, too. But the other problems - these are what I have warned of since twenty years, and warned of since I was at university over 30 years ago. With that guilt I leave my dear german supermoralistic fellow countrymen alone. Without our green-ideological hybris, Germany would not be in such a vulnerable position today, and without such a weak export-dependign economy, Germany would not be in such a vulnerable position again, too.

My stand regarding the current coalition and especially Scholz and his damn Russophile SPD is well-illustrated by my postingsd, I must not repeat it. To hell with this human drivel. I dispised them already when I still was at school.

Scholz has said he wants to pay one billion for weapons the Ukraine can poick form a lost. What our media usually do jt say is that that list has been cleaned of wepaons types the intellectually all-knowing chancellor's office have decided to be too unsuitable for the Ukraine, and amongst that are many wepaons that the ukrianbe depserately asks for, and that the Superchancellor Olaf "head-in-the-bubble" Scholz at no costs wants to see being delivered - by nobody, if only he could prevent it (fortunately he cant). Also, the way Scholz ha sopted fort, not only is it only a fig leaves, an alibi, it also costs time, time that the ukriane does not have.

With friends like the Germans, you almost need no more enemies. Underhanded to the max.

I posted a thread some day ago, on the German-Russian relations after the treaty of Rapallo. If you have not red it, find and read it now. It explains a lot. Germany since always is far more oriented towards russia then towards the Western world. it has always been like this since - well, I dont know since when, since very long time at least. It started centuries ago already, long before Rapallo. Russia is an objkect of German transfiguration on a level that foreigners possibly find hard to imagine possible.

If someone gets the impression that I have a huge rage against Germany and the Germans, then he is right, and this rage and disgust are not new, but grow steadily from year to year. I live as a stranger in this country that has been made strange to me. And I have nothing to do with the attitude of the broad mass of the population and I want nothing to do with it. There is much that is beautiful and artistic in the many centuries of cultural history of this country, even much genius and brilliance of the highest radiance. That in Germany of the last hundred years with criminal and then ideological and pedagogical means this beauty has been deliberately destroyed and the good, true and beautiful deliberately dragged through the mud, corrupted, trivialized, and replaced with the contemporary mud of political sentiment and ideological re-education to infantilism and egalitarianism, that is a crime so great that I can and will never forgive the Germans. I live here, was born here and have a German identity card, but I don't belong here and to them. To hell with these stupid Germans!

We live now at a sharp turn of the times. The old world we live din untiul just some years ago, is gone and over, and Gerany will now loose, not win, welath and comfort, living standards will decline, uncertainty grow, and it sjust a quesiton of time, of factors of financial laws until the accelerating collapse of the money system will help to let poverty and need grow dramatically and fast. We had the chanc ein the poast to do better and to build reserves, and we let politicians not doign that, even further eroding reserves, and turning them into deficits. All this was and is easy to predict, since thelaws of economics are comparably unchangable like the laws of nature. And I said so many years ago already, in many postings over the past years. We now foudn ourselves in a perfect storm, some say the war and corona were two black swan events, I am not so certain on that,m but it is a perfect storm for sure, and we no can no longer deny that the world is changing for the wqorse and more dangeorus. The good and fat times are over, at least over here in germany, and also Europe. Corona and the war did not cause these destructive processes, but they serve as a catalyst that speeds up the pace of their unfolding by many factors, apparently.

This is the era of dying certainties.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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