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Old 04-18-22, 01:27 PM   #2
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You deserve an answer from a long-time Jutland user and I had actually expected some ardent fan to endorse the games.

How's the game play?
In my view it's mostly crap with the odd Golden Moment. After experiencing one of the latter, you realize just how much potential SES squandered with their ridiculous DRM, contempt for their customer base and deliberately rejecting any user modding.

Speaking as someone who was once paid real money to teach artillery ballistics and munitions I can observe that SES liked to pretend that their trajectory modelling was somehow realistic but its not and never was. Opening salvo hits at long ranges actually happened but are statistically so rare as to be improbable and yet they are uncomfortably common in the games and that is just the tip of the flawed ahistorical and technical iceberg that is the entire game system.

I would not waste my money again, knowing what I know now and having the complete Jutland/Distant Guns franchise for more than a decade have a pretty solid grasp on the game play and history (more lack thereof really) behind the battles and campaigns.

If I had any, my mantra would probably be along the lines of "Friends don't let friends buy Jutland" and you can take that any way you like. The games have their fans, who forgive it for all of its myriad of faults but they also have their haters, who too often damn it for not doing things that it was never designed to do. For me it scratches a very occasional visual itch but I spend far more time with Steam and Iron, which does the history and technology of its eras much better.

Even after the two Ship Packs there are still significant capital ships missing and Map Pack 1, Coronel and the Falklands was released broken and never fixed so you have been warned. The graphics are dated, I cannot speak to the game's performance in Win-10 but I consistently get 40+ fps using an oldish Win-7 desktop in even the largest battles. Sadly and for the most part, those battles are often no fun at all.

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