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Old 04-07-22, 06:57 AM   #2969
Commander Wallace
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Originally Posted by Skybird View Post
FOCUS, Der Spiegel:

According to a report in Der Spiegel, Germany's Federal Intelligence Service has intercepted radio transmissions from Russian soldiers in which they discuss the atrocities in Butscha. Individual conversations are even said to match photographed corpses. In one radio message, a soldier tells another that he and his comrades shot a person off a bicycle. In another radio message, a man is heard saying that the Russian soldiers questioned civilians, then shot them.

According to "Spiegel," the radio transmissions reveal that the massacres are not the acts of individual soldiers gone wild. Rather, the acts seem planned. The conversations about them sound commonplace. This certainly suggests that the murder of civilians - as in previous wars - is part of the war strategy of the Russians.

The audio recordings of the BND, which were presented in the parliamentary room on Wednesday, according to "Spiegel", are further evidence that Russian troops are responsible for the massacres in Butscha and the surrounding area. Terrifyingly, the intelligence service has other audio documents that suggest that there are such massacres in other regions as well. So far, however, they cannot be clearly assigned to locations.

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Ukrainian intelligence has released an audio recording purporting to show a Russian commander talking to a soldier on the ground in Mariupol. The recording, if it turns out to be genuine, is a chilling illustration of the brutal attitude of Russian troops in the city, which has been under siege for weeks. "Damn them, kill them all," the commander is reported to say in a raised voice in the recording. "Civilians, everyone, kill them all."

The second man to take the announcement seems meek, the commander repeatedly resorting to insults and yelling at his soldier in between. In the end, the soldier only barely admits that he understands.

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Just read this. It is all over the wire.

The audio recordings also suggest that the Russian mercenary military, the Wagner Group, played a key role in the atrocities in Bucha, Der Spiegel reported.
It is not entirely clear who runs or finances the Wagner Group, but the US and European Union have linked Yevgeny Prigozhin, an oligarch and ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, to the organization.

Russian troops talked about killing civilians in Bucha over the radio
  • The radio transmissions were obtained by German intelligence and presented in parliament Wednesday.
  • They contradict Russian claims that the atrocities found in the Ukrainian town were staged.
Germany intercepted radio transmissions of Russian soldiers discussing the killings of civilians in the town of Bucha, contradicting Russian propaganda claims of a hoax, according to a report by Der Spiegel.
The radio transmissions were obtained by the Bundesnachrichtendienst, Germany's foreign intelligence service, and presented to parliament on Wednesday, Der Spiegel reported.
In one of the recordings, a Russian soldier could be heard describing how he shot someone off their bicycle, Der Spiegel reported.
It is unclear what day the radio messages were sent and where the Russian troops were at the time.

Footage and images of people killed, with some on the street, in Bucha emerged earlier this week after Russian forces left the town.
On Tuesday, The New York Times published independently verified aerial footage that shows a Russian armored vehicle shooting at a civilian on a bicycle in Bucha. It is unclear whether the person in the video was the same as the one referred to in the radio messages.
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