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Old 03-23-22, 06:50 PM   #685
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Originally Posted by Captain Wreckless View Post
USS Nautilus, Speed 0, depth 200ft, water depth 1000ft, west of Okinawa harbor waiting for darkness. Heavy rain, can't see s@#$!

Sonar is tracking a DD just milling around. Suddenly it's speed picks up and turns toward my sub. Next thing I know it is dropping DCs on me.

How the F@*$ did he find me?

Must have a spy onboard.
I am confused as to what is happening, as this is not my experience in TMO.

Were you on silent running? What range were you when he detected you ?

Keep in mind Narwhal is a large, noisy boat.

May not be that he heard you, but that his active sonar got you. Basically,
a flaw in SH 4 is the AI is nearly always pinging, even when you can't hear it. Basically you only hear the ping when its focused on your or very close to you. AI has two "moods" , one is normal, other is alert, obviously alert happens when player is detected or reported by others nearby.

A escort sailing along "normal" is pinging, if you get within range, and in his "sonar cone" of his beam and gets a contact will detect you. Your profile to the beam, depth, skill of enemy, type of active sonar he has plays in. 200 ft , his beam will probably get a reflection if youre within the cone.

See the original TMO manual in the TMO Update download, search it for explanation of enemy sonar in TMO)

Also DD patrol vessels etc on patrolsand guarding harbors etc are typically set to ELITE skill level, so best to give them a wide berth.
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