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Old 03-21-22, 10:13 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Skybird View Post
Again, this deal now is predominantly about secuing an ongoing of the German nuclear participation, that the Germans can operate bombers that can carry American nuclear bombs. Without that, the Tornados would already have been phased out since a few years, most likely. This is not meant to replace the full conventional fighter fleet. The germans have showed to be unable to get their homework for a Tornado-replacement done since many, many years. Now there is panic.

My biggest argument against the F-35 is the logistics behind maintaining it, and the dependency on US-provided certified US technicians. Key components in the planes delivered to foreign customers are not allowed to be maintained by national workers, but only by American personennel. Also, spare parts again make us depending on the US. Its also an intel breach concern, since this arrangement gives the US a deep insight into operations and plans of these foreign customers. Availabiltiy and delivery of spare parts also will be a concern if the US gets engaged in a longer conflict in asia and has own losses it must compensate then. Now wonder where Lockheed'S loyalties and liabilties then will prioritize!

But we cannot come up with a new plane by ourselves in just 2 years. The new European super-wonder-miracle fighter is expected not before 2040 or later - and then it will suffer from plenty of teethign problems, and will need more years to mature, and then will be bought in ridiculously low numbers becasue it will be so hilariously expensive.

We slept too long. Now there are only compromises left, none of them comes without serious disadvantages.

Beside Britian and France, germany and maybe Italy should get their own nukes, too. The French never have and never will put their arsenal under true full European command or NATO command. But Europe should have nuclear options independently from the US to deter certain aggressions, obviously.
Say what you want of Trump, he warned you and even demanded Euro NATO nations increase their defense and funding to NATO 2% of GDP. Now there's a rush to do so.

You see my dog don't like people laughing. He gets the crazy idea you're laughing at him. Now if you apologize like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.
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