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Old 02-19-22, 09:34 AM   #2
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Default Ummm, yeah, could have done with that!

Originally Posted by Bubblehead1980 View Post
(new feature of V2.0, always a escort for player sub at friendly minefields)
Yeah, I could have done with that! I started two campaigns in S-class boats out of Manila that never got beyond Corregidor because of unknown "friendly" minefields! I ran into them while using time compression (x8 to x64).

Only on the third attempt did I realise what had happened when I just happened to notice some blips in the water that I then used the external camera to identify -- I was in the middle of the minefield and had to navigate my way out!

I also had a campaign from Pearl terminated by the "friendly" anti-submarine net at Wake, where I was pulling in to refuel on my way to reconnoitre the Marshalls. (At least now I know which entrance to use at Wake!)

So now I use the mission builder to print out maps of the various "friendly" minefields and anti-sub nets before beginning a new campaign. This is the sort of intelligence that would be available to a commander beforehand, even while enemy minefields and anti-sub nets might be unknown or at best only assumed. So an escort would be doubly useful!

When I exited Pearl on my latest campaign start (USS Nautilus), I used the external camera to take a look at the anti-sub net at the entrance. It lies along the seabed, which raises a question -- does this anti-sub net get raised and lowered periodically? In real life, of course, it was opened to allow vessels in and out. Is this even possible in the game? Or are the anti-sub nets fixed in place?
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