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Old 01-22-22, 09:06 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by ET2SN View Post
Yes, but I can only give you some general ideas about making changes to what you have.

A). "Keep it simple as long as you can". If you are making changes to files that involve text, make sure you use Notepad or a text format that does not use special characters or effects. Likewise, start small and work your way up. Did your change actually do anything? Related to this..

B). "Don't paint yourself into a corner you can't get out of". Work on ONE change at a time and be ready to do a LOT of testing. There's nothing worse than finding CTDs after you're 3/4ths of the way into a large project.
Back up EVERYTHING you're working on. If you could look into my DW folders, you would see files like sfx.agg next to another file named sfxO.agg or sfxG.agg. That sfxO file can't be read by DW due to its name, but I know that its a back-up, a "known good" original file. The sfxG.agg means its a file I have worked on that works but I want to do more with it.
DW's folder and file format can be confusing which is why you want to work on one small change at a time. Its also a good idea to write stuff down.
Find a notebook or a blank sheet of paper and document what you're working on and why. If you get side-tracked and have to come back to your project 1-4 months later, good luck finding that file in that folder again.

C). "Be the sniper rifle, not the shot gun". I see this a LOT in other games and sims. "I just added 25 zip files and downloads and now my sky has turned purple. How do I fix it?" I don't know, you got me on that one..
Resist that urge to crank out a five day project in 15 minutes.
Thanks for the tips, but I was looking more for ideas on the specific issue I ran into, as in does anyone know which file governs what engine sound you hear depending on which station you're in for any specific platform.
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