Thread: RA 1.51
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Old 01-20-22, 04:28 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Alcon2009 View Post
Ok thanks, what does the Be-12 mail do?
In terms of..what?
There's a nice model of the Be-12 listed in the USNI database and its listed as an AI assest as well as a "drivable" asset for the player.

Keep in mind, in the real world the Be-12 was/is a scaled-down equivalent to the P-3 that could also land on water. I guess I'm trying to figure out what you're asking?

Meanwhile, the diving alarm issue kind of resolved itself. Its only limited to the Virginia class sub (unless you start swapping sfx.agg files).

There's still an issue with selecting the early 637 class, the game punts you out if you try. Not sure if this is RA or an issue with my install.

I'm still going through the playable platforms in Quick Missions only, so that can mean either Quick Missions still has some bugs, some of the playable models might have some bugs, or my install might have some bugs. In other words, your guess is as good as mine.
We'll just have to wait and see if there are going to be patches in 1.51's future.
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