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Old 01-18-22, 07:00 PM   #101
Navy Seal
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Originally Posted by Jeff-Groves View Post
I guess I'm gonna need some crayons to explain things.

Originally Posted by kapuhy View Post
If its my tramp steamer MisterM was writing about
Originally Posted by Jeff-Groves View Post
We ARE talking about dat file import of the files Mister_M sent me.
I have not seen the ORIGINAL FILES! Just what I got today.
Sorry for the misunderstanding guys, I wasn't aware that Mister_M had already sent his own version of kapuhy's steamer to Jeff

Originally Posted by kapuhy View Post
this might also be my "fault" for using "lightmap pack" function for smaller faces to avoid problem I had where small and long faces like ropes and railings were omitted in AO baking. Lightmap pack uv-maps faces as separate rectangles in 2d space so there would be many more edge cuts in ao uvmap than in diffuse uv map.
Okay, that explains the huge difference in vt coordinate count between the two files. It also proves that I was wrong in thinking that GR2 editor does not read UV face information from the AO object file. If it didn't, the unbalance/different order of vt lines between the two files would have meant a bad secondary UV map, but this is obviously not the case

Originally Posted by Mister_M View Post
I guess I have to copy/paste all the lines into 2 .txt files ?
EDIT : So, order is different, a long block (nearly the first 1/3) has been put at the end...
I am sorry to say that this is a huge problem. One of the prerequisites of my spreadsheet is vertices in the main and in the UV2/AO objects to be in the same order. I could identify and sort vertices according to their coordinates. This method would work for simple objects, but I could not easily discern vertices with the same coordinates, a rather common occurrence with edge-split models. In theory I could discern overlapping vertices by checking which faces they are part of, but that would be an overly complicated method; before I come up with a semi-decent routine, you could redo ten times your changes on kapuhy's model

My suggestion is to switch to Blender for final model editing. This program supports object multi-mapping, i.e. the assignation of multiple UV maps on the same object. You can even import an UV map from one object to another identical object, so whatever changes you do to the model, you are sure that the two exported obj files will be identical in vertex/face structure.
Else, if you want to stick to Wings3D, be more careful. You want to ungroup the main model? Immediately after, ungroup the AO model too. You want to regroup a group of sub models? Make sure that you regroup exactly the same objects for both models. Your actions on each model should be specular and you should perform them exactly in the same order for having a chance of success.

Originally Posted by Jeff-Groves View Post
In a DAT file? number of texture coords and faces does NOT matter!
Unlike SH5 where it DOES matter! (Thus the addition of false info to balance a strict import)

In Dat files, like GR2 files, ALL verts in ALL files MUST MATCH!

The files I have show that the COUNT of verts is fine but the placement does not match between the main and AO obj files.
Thus the Faces are off! Hell! For S3D and TDW's Tool? You could zero every Vert in the AO and as long as counts match? It will import!
Because they DO NOT read and save the verts in the AO obj!
It all makes sense
|May the Force be with you!|

Last edited by gap; 01-18-22 at 07:27 PM.
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