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Old 01-09-22, 06:17 PM   #9
Join Date: Aug 2016
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I’m pleased your making progress and having fun too ! The game’s source code was never released. But you don’t need it . You can transform the game’s scenarios and gameplay by simple writing to to the .sdf.

Re: weather. The weather.ini” file (in my copy of DC ) defines 8 “global” weather states (e.g. CLEAR, OVERCAST_RAINY, STORM, etc. ). Each of these states have wind (speed/ dir) SeaState, Visibility, Temp, parameters etc defined for it. they may include a front that moves through. . These are simply used in the [SCENARIO] block of the scenario ‘s .sdf to define the weather.
TitleEnglish=Torpedo Junction
Origin = -75.17230,35.77140 (long/latt)
InitialZoom= 5

In above scenario block, Overcast and Rainy conditions ( as they are defined in weather.ini) will cover the entire area for the duration of this scenario. IIRC all of the stock campaigns and mission use global weather.

A “[Front#]” defines a weather system that moves through a mission. They are not the same as the global weather states. Fronts can be included as part of a global weather state. Fronts simulate dynamically changing weather. The conditions and parameters defining fronts can be found in the weather. Ini. The front’s size dimensions, altitude, heading, cloud texture, wind velocity , precipitation, winds etc can be changed . - Very cool.

Some fronts are defined in the weather.ini. You can also decide to leave-out a global weather statement, and define each front separately within the .sdf. It’s possible to have multiple weather fronts passing and overlapping through a mission dynamically.

Time= 0200
TitleEnglish=Torpedo Junction
Type=SingleOrigin = -75.17230,35.77140 (long/latt)
InitialZoom= 5
Weather= vox1 (* Note I dropped a global weather statement and redefining a new one as vox1 , then I add fronts that move through.

Name = vox1
Wind = 10,SW
SeaState= 12

Location = -76.31470,36.859105 (long/latt center of front)
Size = 80,80 ; rectangle dimension nM
Altitude = 8000. ; Clouds forms in m
Movement = 20,W ; knots
CloudType = OVERCAST
CloudID = Cloud007 ; texture used
Transparent = FALSE
WInd 20,W ; knots
SeaState = 5
Precipitation= LIGHT
Intermittent= FALSE. ; precipitation
Temperature = 12. ; Celsius
Visibility = 4 ; Fog 0-8 default is 1
Continuous = FALSE ; Front continuous covers the whole sky

[FRONT2] …….etc. There may be a limit but haven’t found it.

IIRC Fronts and dynamic weather were not in stock, probably because the average win 95 PCs at the time couldn’t handle it. IIRC precipitation in the stock game was Initially disabled too.. To fix Go to the weather.ini and remove the “;” that comment out precipitation lines in fronts 8 and 10. There are a better rain and snow graphics in Subsim downloads area too.

SH2 and Destroyer Command (DC) were designed to work together as multiplayer, so they share features (scripting, models etc) Many of the Subsim SH2/DC downloads work for both. I have had as much fun building scenarios as I have playing them. I am a destroyer enthusiast so I still occasionally experiment with DC. (For subs SH 3,4,5 and AOD)

I use the Official patch v 1.1 and The Projekt Messerwetzer (PM) patch v1.03. The PM in addition to multiplayer fix has some SP improvements too. The contributing members of Subsim and others deserve a lot of credit for this.

I also recommend Kreigstanz Developer (KD) by Floater. It’s avail Subsim. KD is a utility for creating, generating, editing and testing SH2 and DC mission files anywhere on the world map ( Baltic and Black Sea ) It includes a useful manual of editing tips. I usually use KD to “rough-out”a scenario, then hand edit the .sdf - it’s a useful Sandbox. It also can generate quick random missions.

I’ll close with an image showing a KD scenario made for DC. The red lines are dynamic Convoy routes. The blue circles are areas where German Uboats and aircraft are dynamically spawned to intercept. The red circle is an allied recon aircraft zone.

I wish you many happy hours and success! -Vox

Last edited by Vox165; 01-10-22 at 07:00 AM.
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