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Old 01-07-22, 10:29 PM   #8
Join Date: Dec 2021
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Icon14 Solution

Looks like I finally got it working!

Vox165, thank you again! You were right, the problem was really with the “.SDF” files.

I created a fix, which can be installed via JSGME or simply by copying the contents of the folder into the "Silent Hunter II" installation folder.

Here is the link to the ZIP file on my Google Drive:

Here is my story.

Firstly, I compared the game executables and found out that English and Russian versions differ in size. To locate the problem I decided to swap Russian and English executables starting with "Sim.exe". Everything worked without any change until I swapped "Shell.exe", then the game started to crash. So, I thought that the problem is in this executable.

Then, I tried to disassemble and decompile the game. However, I didn't manage to get far enough as the code is really complicated. The fact that the game is split into multiple executables makes it even more difficult to explore. So, I gave up on this way and started to look for another solution.

While exploring the SH2 folder I noticed the "Fonts" folder. It gave me an idea to try and copy Russian text translation into the English version as I did previously, but also to add Russian fonts. So, that worked! I got an English version with working weather and a Russian translation. After this little success I started to create a translation mod. However, while doing it I noticed that in the "Weather.ini" file all weather codes were written in Russian. More than that, the weather conditions which consisted of two words were split by spaces, not by underscores. I don't know why they decided to translate weather codes as it's absolutely unnecessary (users won't even see those files) and it definitely could lead to serious problems with scenarios and the weather engine itself.

Next, I got back to the Russian version, replaced the "Weather.ini" file with the English one and tried to create a random mission with stormy weather. It's hard to describe my happiness at that moment. I got this beautiful graphics and weather in a fully translated Russian version. I've got no idea why the executables are different in size. They both are v1.1.

After all that I just replaced Russian weather condition names in all scenarios with the English ones and packed it. A nice and easy solution I was looking for. (And I also corrected one little typo on the splash screen.)

After some rest I'll arrange a little party. Thanks everyone for your help support and support! I hope this helps others with the same problem. This thread should probably be created in the Russian Subsim forums, but at that time I didn't expect that it's all because of the version.

P.S. Heh, I really like those Kaleun smilies
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