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Old 12-31-21, 08:01 AM   #4
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Re : SH2/DC weather. I can’t help with the Russian/ English conversion or their specific differences, however I can tell you something about how the weather is coded in the English version.

The weather for each scenario is defined in the “.SDF” file. Specific weather types are defined in the weather.ini file. The .SDF is a script file in English ( I’m not aware of another language version) . This script is read by the game engine to set up each scenario’s details including the weather. By writing to this script you can create a variety of weather conditions and even weather fronts (clouds, rain, fog etc )that move through the scenario as it runs . The game’s weather system was never fully utilize on initial release. I’m guessing the reason was because the average PC couldn’t handle it , and multiplayer was desired at the time. The game also needed to be simpler to understand for the average user. The weather engine is pretty good and I’ve had a good time playing around with it in DC. I find DC interesting sandbox to play with.

Hope this helps with your project, and keep us informed of your progress.
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