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Old 12-21-21, 10:48 PM   #9
Mad Mardigan
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Originally Posted by KaleunMarco View Post
exactly 20 patrols! amazing!

nothing less than three weeks. is that considered short?


lol; no need to apologize!
s7rikeback and PB have been schooling me up on fixing all kinds of subtle errors, like the list i sent to you last month or maybe the month before. this is a very complex system design...there are bound to be disconnects.

so...followup question: assuming you correct the PBY-date-thing, how do you plan to generate the air-survivors for us to rescue? i am intrigued by this!

it's probably a missing TGA file for a zoom-in view. i say that because there was an icon for a coastal gun visible on the Nav Map until i zoomed-in. that's when the error message displayed rather than the next level of icon.
If memory serves Me correctly... think it was like, 40-60 days out on patrol... as fleetboats had a rudimentary refrig/freezer on board, where as their counterparts... Uboat & the IJN I class... didn't (not 100% sure about the I class subs of the IJN... but know for definite, the U-boats sure as shooting, didn't... considering the Type 2, was smaller than the S class boats the U.S. had, the Type VII's, were comparable with the S class as far as size, but not near the amenities. Considering the S class complement was 38 to the VII's 44-52. The lesser number of crew opened up the ability to include a means to keep food items cold that required it on the S class, that the VII's were lacking. 2 advantages that the VII's had, over the S class were... ablility to dive faster... & go deeper than they could.

Small comfort, when you considered that their food stock went crappy faster... & the lack of hygiene amenities. Not to mention the sardine quarters...

M. M.

I think, there were a couple of Fleetboats, that went past 60 days out... before hitting the docks back at base. Will have to do some... digging in & see if I can find that info on longest patrols made by Fleetboats, during WW2.
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