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Old 12-18-21, 07:07 PM   #373
Molon Labe
Silent Hunter
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4 September 1942
KB headed northwest, away from Canton Island and the Lex&Sara

Burma and Thailand
Moulmein was shelled by cruisers and destroyers again, but damage was minimal. We have a coastal artillery regiment here but they didn't hit anything. Bad news: these guys keep hitting at night and disappearing before the dive bombers can fly. Good news: if he wants to do real damage, he'll probably need the big guns, and most of them are slower.

We traded 2 fighters each fighting over mountains dividing Bangkok from Tavoy.

Our counterattack against Bangkok's army was successful. We drove them out of the mountains, causing 6763 casualties vs our 511. Sadly, it looks like Bangkok's been reinforced yet again, and in any case, if we tried to follow that army without taking Tavoy first we'd just get bombed again. So I don't think I can exploit this tactical victory beyond just bombing his troops now that they're in the open.

The enemy's doing better all of a sudden--we lost 4 P-40s and a P-43 over Chengchow and only shot down one Zero.

Intel says the Zero squadron operating over Chengchow is the Akagi's. Intel is still reporting the Akagi sunk, which I never took seriously, but if it's air group is all the way up here it's at least very seriously damaged.

The KB was spotted northwest of Canton Island, after last appearing to the southeast--so it looks like they're headed home. They bombed Canton Island on their way out with Kates--damage was minor but disruption and fatigue for my marines remains very high.

I'm relatively sure the Lex and Sara are out of danger at this point, and the replenishment group and transports have put some distance between them and the threat as well.

One of the task forces evacuating Pago Pago was attacked by a sub, but it missed. Another sub really far south. Odd. I wonder if he's actually trying to look for my carriers behind the frontlines.

CM Salem arrives at Balboa
TK Miralda arrives at Abadan
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