Thread: [TEC] SweetScape 010 Editor
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Old 11-28-21, 04:44 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by Tycho View Post
I don't know, probably it is matter of experiment with the elevation values and tests.

This year I decided to take a break from SH3.
Everything related is archived, and will rest for year or two.
So, I will not spend big amount of time and brain power for Silent Hunter.

Here, about terrain I can change this elevations table with sh5 one. Just for experiment, to see the result, and because will be quick and easy.
In fact, in sh3.exe have two such tables, the two are identical.
First one is at: 0x530ac0 /or: 00130ac0
And I saw where is used in the code.
Second one, at: 0x5314f0 /or: 001314f0
I don't saw where is used. Maybe is not used.
It is matter of experiment, are it also need to be changed, if I change the first one.

By address of the first one you can search where is used in the code section.
In this function, for example:

0x506FCE: 53                     PUSH        EBX                ; <==0x00506FC7(*-0x7)
0x506FCF: 33DB                   XOR         EBX,EBX            
0x506FD1: 85ED                   TEST        EBP,EBP            
0x506FD3: 0F8EA8000000           JLE         0x507081           ; (*+0xAE)  
0x506FD9: 56                     PUSH        ESI                
0x506FDA: 57                     PUSH        EDI                
0x506FDB: EB03                   JMP         0x506FE0           ; (*+0x5)  
0x506FDD: 8D4900                 LEA         ECX,[ECX]          
0x506FE0: 8B44241C               MOV         EAX,DWORD PTR [ESP+0x1C]; <==0x00506FDB(*-0x5), 0x00507079(*+0x99)
0x506FE4: D90498                 FLD         DWORD PTR [EAX+EBX*4]
0x506FE7: D9542410               FST         DWORD PTR [ESP+0x10]
0x506FEB: D81DC00E5300           FCOMP       DWORD PTR [0x530EC0]; .rdata:0x00 0x80 0xBB 0xC4 
0x506FF1: DFE0                   FNSTSW      AX                 
0x506FF3: F6C441                 TEST        AH,0x41            
0x506FF6: 7A04                   JPE         0x506FFC           ; (*+0x6)  
0x506FF8: 32C0                   XOR         AL,AL              
0x506FFA: EB77                   JMP         0x507073           ; (*+0x79)  
0x506FFC: D9442410               FLD         DWORD PTR [ESP+0x10]; <==0x00506FF6(*-0x6)
0x507000: D81DA8AA5200           FCOMP       DWORD PTR [0x52AAA8]; .rdata:0x00 0x00 0xFA 0x45 
0x507006: DFE0                   FNSTSW      AX                 
0x507008: F6C401                 TEST        AH,0x1             
0x50700B: 7504                   JNZ         0x507011           ; (*+0x6)  
0x50700D: 0CFF                   OR          AL,0xFF            
0x50700F: EB62                   JMP         0x507073           ; (*+0x64)  
0x507011: D9442410               FLD         DWORD PTR [ESP+0x10]; <==0x0050700B(*-0x6)
0x507015: D81DACDA5100           FCOMP       DWORD PTR [0x51DAAC]
0x50701B: DFE0                   FNSTSW      AX                 
0x50701D: F6C441                 TEST        AH,0x41            
0x507020: 7A0C                   JPE         0x50702E           ; (*+0xE)  
0x507022: BFC00A5300             MOV         EDI,0x530AC0       ; .rdata:0x00 0x80 0xBB 0xC4 
0x507027: BE2F000000             MOV         ESI,0x2F           
0x50702C: EB0A                   JMP         0x507038           ; (*+0xC)  
0x50702E: BF800B5300             MOV         EDI,0x530B80       ; .rdata:0x00 0x00 0x80 0x40 ; <==0x00507020(*-0xE)
0x507033: BECF000000             MOV         ESI,0xCF           
0x507038: D9442410               FLD         DWORD PTR [ESP+0x10]; <==0x0050702C(*-0xC), 0x00507063(*+0x2B)
0x50703C: 8D46FF                 LEA         EAX,[ESI-0x1]      
0x50703F: 99                     CDQ                            
0x507040: 2BC2                   SUB         EAX,EDX            
0x507042: 8BC8                   MOV         ECX,EAX            
0x507044: D1F9                   SAR         ECX,1              
0x507046: D81C8F                 FCOMP       DWORD PTR [EDI+ECX*4]
0x507049: DFE0                   FNSTSW      AX                 
0x50704E: 7A05                   JPE         0x507055           ; (*+0x7)  
0x507050: 8D7101                 LEA         ESI,[ECX+0x1]      
0x507053: EB0B                   JMP         0x507060           ; (*+0xD)  
0x507055: 83CAFF                 OR          EDX,0xFF           ; <==0x0050704E(*-0x7)
0x507058: 2BD1                   SUB         EDX,ECX            
0x50705A: 8D7C8F04               LEA         EDI,[EDI+ECX*4+0x4]
0x50705E: 03F2                   ADD         ESI,EDX            
0x507060: 83FE01                 CMP         ESI,0x1            ; <==0x00507053(*-0xD)
0x507063: 7FD3                   JG          0x507038           ; (*-0x2B)  
0x507065: 8B4C2414               MOV         ECX,DWORD PTR [ESP+0x14]
0x507069: 8BC7                   MOV         EAX,EDI            
0x50706B: 2DC00A5300             SUB         EAX,0x530AC0       ; .rdata:0x00 0x80 0xBB 0xC4 
0x507070: C1F802                 SAR         EAX,0x2            
0x507073: 88040B                 MOV         BYTE PTR [EBX+ECX],AL; <==0x00506FFA(*-0x79), 0x0050700F(*-0x64)
0x507076: 43                     INC         EBX                
0x507077: 3BDD                   CMP         EBX,EBP            
0x507079: 0F8C61FFFFFF           JL          0x506FE0           ; (*-0x99)  
0x50707F: 5F                     POP         EDI                
0x507080: 5E                     POP         ESI                
0x507081: 5B                     POP         EBX                ; <==0x00506FD3(*-0xAE)
0x507082: 8BC1                   MOV         EAX,ECX            
0x507084: 5D                     POP         EBP                
0x507085: 83C408                 ADD         ESP,0x8            
0x507088: C3                     RET

Maybe is possible, let's say, to prioritise the underwater and to simplify the above water terrain. If give it more indexes.
Of course, this will require completely new map and elevations table, if now give 208 to the underwater and 48 to the ground:
The most of the world will go underwater (Sci-Fi mod: Waterworld ).
To better understand it, I need to run it through debugger, but I will not.
Maybe is possible, this 601x601 also to be changed, I think, I once saw this somewhere there.

So, probably many things are possible if someone have desire to do it.

А если значения глубин будут 0-47 и 150-255, а значения высот 48-149, то мир не должен уйти под воду...)
Если бы значения глубин имели бы свой Terrain.pal а значения высот свой отдельный Terrain.pal, это был бы идеальный вариант...

Last edited by astvitaliy1982; 11-28-21 at 05:00 PM.
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