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Old 10-22-21, 03:15 AM   #2810
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Originally Posted by Gorpet View Post
Well Gorpet in the year 2535 Will there even be a man or a women? Or will we be called something in between?
You probbaly know that in germany red socialists, green socilaists and liberal socialist negotiate a coaltion govenrment. Part of that includes a proposal by the green and liberal socialists that 14 year old kids shall be allowed, with a simple act at the registration office, to choose theio gender freeely, and to switch it as often as they want. Parents, according to this proposal, shall have no right and say in this.

After the already deletion of "mother" and "father" in official and media language, they also now want to eliminate the verbal reference to parents and parenthood, too. There shall only be "Erziehende", that emans "educating persons".

Its unclear whether this gets passed, since the majority of society still has some sane senses left and strongly dispises these language policing polcies and gender madness. But it illustrates where the ideological "elites" want the course to plot. They are a miniority, and still since years brutally enforce their minority priviliges and minority opinons onto the majority. And the ajroity? Lets it happen, does not seriously resist. So, compassion is not really appropriate. Victims that reject to defend themselves, are victims I refuse to pick their fight for them.

I just stand, watch in awe and cannot comprehend how stupid a people can be if the herd is just big enough.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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