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Old 10-14-21, 10:39 PM   #3
Join Date: Sep 2021
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Icon14 Moldavia Campaign


I completed 4 of the 5 campaigns tonight. I’m playing them in “reverse” order (right to left). The one I just finished was the “Moldavia” campaign and it seemed to go on forever.

If I remember the original M1 Tank Platoon gameplay correctly, a player could do well, almost complete a campaign, then almost lose and have to fight more battles to finish it. M1 Tank Platoon 2 appears to function the same way.

This is a really good game but like anything worthwhile, it takes effort. I can only play it one hour at a time, max before I get tired. Yeah, I’m definitely too old for the real thing if a game is kicking my a**!!! (Truthfully, every time I put on the uniform, it seems I was instantly tired, hungry and freaking freezing cold! I don’t know if I could handle those physical hardships now! War is a young man’s game.)

Once I’ve completed the 5th campaign, I’m going to attempt them all one more time on the ”hard” setting. I think the key is to move slow as soon as enemy contact is made and hit shift + q if you’re down to your last tank and aren’t gonna make it.

More updates to follow!
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