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Old 10-04-21, 03:53 PM   #44
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Instable mods can add to the likelihood of crashes. But Bethesda games back to Oblivion always occasionally crashed for me. Not often enough that I cared, however, its not as if they are completely instable. They run stable enough, and then some.

Mods like War of The Commonwelath however are known to destabilise the game, especially when users poush their options (for numbers of actions,acvitvities, events, enemeies) too far. It can take some experimenting. I always would recommend to start with lower settings.

Many mods do not affect stability at all, btw.

I assume default game options, especially graphics, also can add to the chances for a crash.

Never mind for the recommendations. We are here to talk about a game we like, aren't we?

I found these:

The auhtor of this video says it somewhere: htese four mods you need to make the survival mode complete.

There are many mods that make the enviuronment green again. The effects and atmpsheric chnages vary widely, spo this is just one maongst mayn options to choose from so that you get an idea what is possible.

Cheat Terminal


BTW, I get all mods via the ingame main menu, not via Nexus. Many authors also havce withdrawn their mods from Nexus due to their changed business policies.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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