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Old 09-15-21, 01:35 PM   #8529
Lucky Jack
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Originally Posted by Rockstar View Post
I went in for physical about four years ago for the first time in probably 12 years. First thing a doctor does is ask me my age, look at my ankles and put the cuff on my arm and take a bp reading. I am immediately diagnosed with high blood pressure 135/95 and given a prescription for meds to get it under control. I said to my self, self that was mighty quick and sudden like. Never got the prescription.

So I buy a reputable BP cuff for home use. Yes I compared it to a doctor friend of mine’s ‘profesional” cuff. First i eventually learn of a thing called white coat syndrome then as I measure my own BP for two weeks, I already exercise and eat fairly well but I can assure you I am no health nut, I find my average BP is 118/72.

Take your own BP, I did 5 sometimes 7 times a day for two weeks. Average it out learn about your own body before you end up with a massive collection of prescription drugs piled on your bed stand. Given the chance I think would love to hand out meds like candy.

I am aware of the latest Moderna intel too. I had COVID before the first shot because of that they say the first jab can wreak havoc on you. Not only did I have a mild anaphylactic reaction which is why I declined the second jab. But after the first jab I also felt much worse than when I had COVID the first time. I also felt the pain at the injection site expand down my arm into my chest and up the left side of my neck and head. egads was it ever a miserable painful experience.

When I got COVID again last month with the exception of the spread of the injection site pain. I felt very similar to when I got the first jab. Absolutely run down, no appetite, nausea, except this time I also had chest congestion and a case of the quick steps. Still went to work then on my first day off since getting cooties I slept all day and night. When I finally awoke I felt like a new man and very very hungry. I ordered the biggest garbage pizza there was and woofed it down. I think it was that pizza which saved my life
My wife has white coat syndrome. Taking her BP at home she has better reading. She is on BP pills and even on those at the Dr. office she reads high. So, before she goes for a physical the Dr. has her taking several readings at home over a week and bring in the results. It is much more accurate.

Fortunate for me my BP is always in a good spot and the Dr. says to keep on doing what I'm doing. Which is not much but sitting and drinking beer.
“You're painfully alive in a drugged and dying culture.”
― Richard Yates, Revolutionary Road
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