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Old 09-15-21, 12:33 PM   #8526
Rear Admiral
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I went in for physical about four years ago for the first time in probably 12 years. First thing a doctor does is ask me my age, look at my ankles and put the cuff on my arm and take a bp reading. I am immediately diagnosed with high blood pressure 135/95 and given a prescription for meds to get it under control. I said to my self, self that was mighty quick and sudden like. Never got the prescription.

So I buy a reputable BP cuff for home use. Yes I compared it to a doctor friend of mine’s ‘profesional” cuff. First i eventually learn of a thing called white coat syndrome then as I measure my own BP for two weeks, I already exercise and eat fairly well but I can assure you I am no health nut, I find my average BP is 118/72.

Take your own BP, I did 5 sometimes 7 times a day for two weeks. Average it out learn about your own body before you end up with a massive collection of prescription drugs piled on your bed stand. Given the chance I think would love to hand out meds like candy.

I am aware of the latest Moderna intel too. I had COVID before the first shot because of that they say the first jab can wreak havoc on you. Not only did I have a mild anaphylactic reaction which is why I declined the second jab. But after the first jab I also felt much worse than when I had COVID the first time. I also felt the pain at the injection site expand down my arm into my chest and up the left side of my neck and head. egads was it ever a miserable painful experience.

When I got COVID again last month with the exception of the spread of the injection site pain. I felt very similar to when I got the first jab. Absolutely run down, no appetite, nausea, except this time I also had chest congestion and a case of the quick steps. Still went to work then on my first day off since getting cooties I slept all day and night. When I finally awoke I felt like a new man and very very hungry. I ordered the biggest garbage pizza there was and woofed it down. I think it was that pizza which saved my life
Guardian of the honey and nuts

Let's assume I'm right, it'll save time.

Last edited by Rockstar; 09-15-21 at 01:28 PM.
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