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Old 09-15-21, 11:52 AM   #8523
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Originally Posted by 3catcircus View Post
Don't get me wrong - I believe vaccination should be a personal choice for covid - but it has to be in the context of not fooling yourself about your own healthiness. Taking medicine to keep your blood pressure in check means you still have high blood pressure. Being 20 lbs overweight means you're still overweight. Taking insulin for diabetes means you're still diabetic. Too many people consider themselves in "good" health when they should be considered "fair, at best."
I am not diabetic, but I am quite certain I was pre-diabetic, had metabolic syndrome in an early, unfolding stage. And I have had extremely high heart rates - at rest - since over 35 years, and have high blood pressure. HR at rest of 110 and more. Excercising or not played no role to tackle that, ever. In 2008, that got me almost killedm when I collapsed during a bicylce tour, climbed up a peak in bike, was doen and over when I was up there, and my view went dark. I was in quite good pyhsicla shape back then. Or so I thought. I have done almost 3 decades of martial art, first 10 years very intensely.

Today - I have cut my hypertension medics by over one half. Of three drugs, I stopped one, halved the second, reduced the third. My BP is around 115/75 - slighty less than with the drugs, and before I started to supplement.

My heart rate is at fully normal - from 100-115 at rest down to 70-75 - since I eat huge quantities of salt. From 110 down to 70, I can assure you, thats a difference that one does feel.

Had two blood tests this year, the first was kind of alarming a bit, the second some months and life changes later: bombastically good. Also had a fatty acid analysis in spring, outstandingly strong/good values. In winter I was at 92 kg, I am, now at 73, and run again.

My old doc was perplexed and did not like it since I violated all his advice on not doing what I am doing. I thus found a new one. The new doc also does not know that much about nutrition supplementation, but he is listening and is willing to see wheter I can convince him in argument or not , asks questions and is willing to learn new stuff. Thats good enough.

You know what all this means? All my life I had sufficient calory intake, more than I needed. And yet I was undernourished. Its like having a full fuel tank in a car - but not caring for sufficient oil, stable battery, intact cables, clean windshield, rubber on the wipers, and hydraulic oil in the brakes. And I did not even snack excessively, drank no softdrinks at all, chips and peanuts flips are a thing of the past since 15 years or more, eating convbenicne food happens from time to time, but is ver ylimited, and I ate vegetable and occasionally fruits, although never with too much pleasure. Also I had plenty of cereals, good bread.

I had the quantity. But not the needed mix, the needed quality. Our food, even vegetables, do not have the amounts of nutrients anymorte that they had a hundred years ago. They cna lack minerals and vitamines of up to 90% (depends on the soil they were grown on, and the seed brands)! You heard of, probably, the Selenium deficit practically every bod has, in Europe more than in the US. Well, the bad news is: its not just selenium, but in different regions it is several of the remaining nutrients that are missing or are in low supply, too.

So people can eat healthy, so they think, and live an active life - and nevertheless can be short in supply in critical nutrients.

My dad, beyond mid-70 of age, had diabetes II, suffered a light stroke, took plenty of meds. He too was able to reduce them. and his diabetes - IS NO MORE THERE, no signs can be found that he ever had it. His doc also is perplexed.

My earlier post provided two links to Jason Fung, one 3-minute video, and one 3-minute read. Check it for a start, its not much time, and see whether it makes sense to you or not.

On Covid, I never ever said a good immune system or a good nutrition supply or Vitmaine-D status in your system protects you from getting Covid. I never said that. What I always have said is that I think having good supply in certain nutrients might help your immune system to start fighting much faster after an infeciton, than if you are undersupplied in certain minerals, vitamines, trace elements. Zinc, Vit-D, Vit-C, Vit-A, Magnesium, Selenium, Q10, Iodine and Omega-3 on my mind primarily. Also having less of the bad stuff: transfats, Omega-6, evertyhing that helps "silent inflammations" going into party mode, being overweight, being diabetic. And Vitamine D helps to reduce inflammatory cytokines and tells the immune system to use more of the less inflammatory cytokines. No cytokine storm. That too is good.

In the main I just reacted to an implied claim made by Rockstar I think that diabetes and overweight can be cured by excercising and getting into a calory deficit mode. We know today that this is wrong, no matter whether that deficit mode is achieved by exercising more or eating leass or both, it is proven, there are studies proving it, it simply does not work. Sports has its merits, lung and heart functions, muscles producing cytokines influencing the brain'S directing of the hormonal homeostasis and so forth: but diabetes and overweight are not amongst the prominent benefits of sports, that are myths. Diabetes is a hormonal dysbalance in the main, not a calory dysbalance. Same is true for weight. That there are not few doctors who still believe it because it has been taught this way during their university days, does not make it any less wrong. Eating less, excercising, both aim at shifting the calory balance into a deficitary mode status. But by that, after some adaptation time when the body indeed looses some weight - he gains it again, and then you eat relatively seen less, and become nevertheless fatter. Becasue the body reduces the basal metabolic rate - until you are positive again with your calories, eat more than the metabolism burns, and then you gain weight again - while running at a lower metabolic level: you start to feel cold, your immune system works weaker, you find it harder to focus and concentrate, your endurance goes down, and so forth.

I have even convinced a professional food counselor this summer, she has skipped the official ideology of frequent eating, lots of fruits and vegetables five times a day. She dropped it after I directed her at the books of Fung. She now works according to ketogenic diat principles that she adapts to the pragmatic living conditions of her clients.

Eat less often. Eat less carbohydrates. Fast, do intermittend fasting. Eat good fat, delete bad fats. Supplement nutrients.

Dont eat all the time.

I am not the inventor of these thoughts, I am only the messenger. And Fung himself says that what he teaches peope mpostly is very oold stuff our forefathers have lived by for generations and generations. Check it yourself and see whether the man make sense or not. He has 20 years of experience in treating adipositas and diabetes. And different to so many other showmen, he is extremely successful in it.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 09-15-21 at 12:23 PM.
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