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Old 09-15-21, 11:27 AM   #8522
Grey Wolf
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Originally Posted by Rockstar View Post
Did you know in the U.S. over one thousand people die each day from heart disease? The same couch potatoes who as they sit on their large behind chewing on a cheeseburgers and gulping down a soda for breakfast said it wouldn’t happen to them. But that’s not a headline so it’s not important to anyone. So it’s jab after jab after jab of booster after booster of new and improved vaccines!

2,600 fully vaccinated people have died from COVID breakthrough cases which as the inventor of the mRNA vaccine above and other biologists said may get worse because of the unethical use of the vaccine by mandate nazis which could cause the evolutionary growth of a vaccine resistant virus.

Good luck,

Oh btw I only had one jab of Moderna and had Delta last month and I’m still alive. Nothing against vaccines just their unethical use and hearing politicians (instead of doctors) mandating their use
Here's the deal. You got one dose of Moderna, then got COVID and recovered. You probably have the best level of antibodies right now, better than two doses but never gotten covid.

All of those couch potatoes? They're more at risk than marathon runners and mountain climbers, so getting vaccinated, from a pure risk-benefit standpoint, makes sense.

That's the difference - many people who are anti-vax are also extremely unhealthy - whether due to eating burgers and sodas, or due to bizarre "healthy" diets like eating only raw food, or only eating vegan but not actually getting enough nutrition.

I'm fat and I know it. But, eating at home means I control what is in my food to a greater extent than when I was going to the office and grabbing food out. Even "healthy" things like Panera Bread are awash with hidden fat, sugar, etc. Breakfast for me today was homemade jambalaya and a salad. Mid-morning I had a banana. For lunch I'll have a leftover pork chop from last night and a salad. I might indulge with an afternoon handful of cheezit crackers. But other than my coffee in the morning with 2 teaspoons of sugar (I drink 2 cups), I'm not drinking 20 oz coke zero all day like I used to when I was in the office. Instead, I drink water with lemon - about 2 gallons a day.

I literally did very little, didn't even notice it, and now I have pants that will fall off me unless I wear a belt that is cinched far more than I could in the past.

No one is saying that vaccine is right for everyone, it's just that those who are the loudest anti-vax can't seem to recognize that they are older and unhealthier than they believe. 50 *isn't* the new 30 because our lifestyles and Western diet are utter trash in comparison to earlier decades. I loved traveling to Japan, Australia, Spain, S. Korea before the pandemic because, despite my unhealthy habits, stress, long hours and lack of exercise, I at least knew that pretty much anywhere I ate, the food was vastly healthier and of far better quality than in the US. Eggs with bright orange yolks that taste eggy. Chicken with a pronounced chicken taste. "Fast food" sashimi that is better than 90% of high-end sashimi here in the US. Beef that is properly marbled and when you bite into it, it explodes with molten fat. But - meat portion size is vastly different (3 cubes of yakitori beef amounting to about 1.5 ounce total). 300g of meat is a giant portion. It is mostly used as a flavoring more than the main element.

In the US, we *also* have unhealthy lifestyle habits outside of a terrible diet. Commute from the suburbs for an hour to a job we hate to make a large enough salary to afford the commute, the McMansion that we fill with stuff we don't need, and eating out for lunch each day. Both parents working just to afford the day care costs. Home after a stressful commute to eat a late takeout dinner and then collapse on the couch for a few hours watching TV before waking up and doing it all over again.

I'd love to be able to live in a walking town. I'd love to get rid of one of our cars and have my wife retire. But, where we are at, the small walking cities are spread out and they are "trying to make a comeback from their heyday in the 1950s and 1960s" where they're gentrifying formerly terrible locales. My job (once I have to go back to the office) is in Camden, NJ, one of the worst cities for crime. In order to live in a safe area with decent schools and *not* make more money, I live 45 minutes away from the office. My wife is an hour away from her job as a teacher in Atlantic City (also a terrible dangerous city). In fact, most cities in the US where you could ditch a car are prohibitively expensive for the middle class unless you live in a neighborhood destroyed by crime. You're either wealthy in safe clean neighborhoods or you're poor in dangerous neighborhoods in pretty much every city in the US.

I could take a train from home to the office, but the rail pass would cost more than fueling my car and I'd have a 30 minute drive to the train station (or move closer and have higher property taxes). There will never be safe, clean, accessible public transport here because the southern portion of new jersey is all suburb and farmland once you get a mile or two east of the Delaware River.

My point to all this: lifestyle, diet, exercise are all linked to conveniences that make us less healthy than our hard-drinking, pack-a-day-smoking, manual laboring ancestors who got hours of exercise each day just from their jobs and who ate mostly unprocessed foods - and they typically still got their kids and themselves vaxed if they didn't already have a particular disease that they recovered from.
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