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Old 09-15-21, 12:13 AM   #5935
Expert Shipsinker
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Default Lost Boat

It is with great sadness that I report the loss of U-125, Kapt.Warner Janz and a crew of 49 on February 8, 1943 in grid DT56. This was their 5th patrol out of Lorient to grid EC69. On day 88 of this patrol.
U-125 left Lorient on November 14th 1942. The Atlantic crossing was uneventful. So soon as we entered the Caribbean, we were under intense harassment from destroyers and aircraft. I guess once we hit a few tankers early on, they knew we were there. We escaped several depth charge attracts. In the 30 days we spent there we managed to sink 5 tankers for 34,283 tons. Exiting the Caribbean we sailed southeast skirting the South American Coast, following the shipping lanes down, then turning east, still in the shipping lanes, heading to the African coast. We finally turned north for a few days and refueled at U-604 in EH53. We were getting a tad low on fuel (30%) but were ok on torpedoes. we got 3 anyway. After several more days in the shipping lanes north bound, we were in DT56. We received a radio contact of a small enemy convoy. I plotted a intercept coarse and finally got a sound contact. My mistake was, that my intercept point, was at 90 degrees in clear weather, excellent advisability, 0ms and in the middle of the day. In a few hours it would have been dark and we would have been well ahead of them (3 Brazilian Tankers and 1 American destroyer) and in a perfect ambush position. In my hast, we went for it anyway. Big mistake. I've been playing SHIII since 2007 and let impatiens rule. We were detected and on the second or third depth charge dropped we were gone. I was passing through 120meters on my way to 180meters at 3kts, when it hit. I was planing on 50rpms but I needed to get down so I hesitated, probably another mistake. I love this game ! impatiens + perfect daytime weather + 1943, kills. U-125 was expected back at Lorient around February 22, 1943. Jerry Baltimore Maryland (Doolar CA45)
ONEALEX 1.53 ARB / NYGM "ENHANCED Steel Coffin Edition " v5.9 DGUI / CCom12 DGUI / WAC 5.2 DGUI / Toyotagt86 v2.3 ARB / GWX3 DGUI

Last edited by Doolar; 09-15-21 at 12:24 AM.
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