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Old 08-17-21, 11:13 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by Mad Mardigan View Post
Ahoy, Canonicus...

Would think that it should be doable...

Only differences are that instead of the U.S. Fleet boats (S class, included here.. ) it would be dealing with the Kriegsmarine Uboats, instead. The same methods would apply to looking at the bones & such, of them, just as you would with the U. S.'s subs... same X, Y, Z factors... as I understand it... thinking in 3 dimensional terms here.

Step 1 would be getting the wake effects on level with water level the up/down axis, the Y axis...) to the scope... after that, making sure it's centered between the port/starboard axis (X axis...) & the finally the bow/stern axis (Z axis..).

Would love to see this applied to the Uboats, as well.. but.. that's just a respectful request... as I believe it could be doable.

M. M.

I'm sure it could be done, but I will respectfully decline because i have no wish work with U-boats because of my deeply held moral and ethical beliefs.
I realize were just talking about a simulated U-Boat, but in the end its still about killing allied seaman and sinking their ships to support an evil regime.

Maybe some might say I'm making much ado about nothing, but that's just how i feel.
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